There’s a lot more to protest than just how cops treat people. Maybe I should fix all that too.
There’s a lot more to protest than just how cops treat people. Maybe I should fix all that too.
We place signs, and stand and hold signs on the cross streets that cross over highway 59 through Houston. It’s is a great place because of the sidewalks that we are legally able to be on, and the thousand of cars leaving downtown at 5pm. I was there several times for the Trayvon Martin coverage, once for ‘A day…
Tear it down and put it in an Italian museum somewhere.
True and true. Maybe they need to stand in front of city hall and police stations if that is who they are targeting. Shutting down a state highway probably gets them more likely to be assaulted with deadly weapons.
No, its really not.
I’ve seen, and been in, too many protests done the right way to think people need to stand in the street. You need to be seen by as many people as possible in the shortest time before someone shuts you down. Standing in the street only hurts the protests here in Houston. Cops shut it down quick. It’s all Twitter,…
You are probably right.
I made it back from lunch. I just had to stay an hour late. Thanks. But They could also stay out of the street, reserve an area, or just altogether find a more productive way of getting what they want. They negatively impacted a lot of the community so I’m not sure who their target was.
It’s not just republicans that dislike sitting in traffic caused by people standing in the street chanting shit.
If they are not taking a stand against traffic then they shouldn’t stand in traffic. My family and my convenience means a lot to me. The fact that you expect me to care more about strangers in the street is unsettling. I am definitely not here to troll but that does not mean that I have to agree with everything 100%.…
So did the check clear and get posted?
Damn yall are hateful. Can’t a biotch just sell some makeup? Shes too pretty to be a white girl but the chick with the purple hair is niiiiiice.
First off, I’m not a Republican. Secondly, out of the four times I have come across active protests, only one was on my way back from lunch. I was an hour late and so had to stay an hour late. The other 3 was on my own personal time with my family, which I value much higher than my job. If you are tired of hearing the…
Wonderfully written. If we all get off our dead asses together then we could achieve many things.
And white people are on BET.
Let’s just call them Jews.
Not everyone can write a good employee memo. Shouldve read, “Let us know if you are willing to help feed people during the hurricane or if you are planning to evacuate. The community, and Pizza Hut, will appreciate any help we can get.” Instead, management came across like an asshole.
Kudos to both of them. Its unfortunate the cop came with his pistol drawn but it’s good that they had the conversation (if you can call it that) and heard some things from this man’s point of view. The cop knew he was wrong and took an ass chewing like a good kid. There’s hope for this cop. A lot wouldve just thrown…
A math teacher compares MAGA to swastikas and Nazi’s. It sounds like she was not teaching math. If the shirts were a disruption then it should have been left as that. “Disruptive attire is not allowed.” Pretty simple but she took the bait, acted unprofessionally, and was fired.
Damn. That’s terrible.