
It’s almost like Elon Musk is a dumbass with the intellectual depth of a 9 year old and only knows about stainless steel because it’s what the DeLorean from Back To the Future was made out of and it would be le epic bacon if his meme truck was made out of the same thing. 

This isn’t an EV thing. It’s an issue with any vehicle that runs almost all the controls through a central screen (which is pretty much everything made in the last couple of years).

The Hyundai Kona EV wouldn’t have this problem because it has an actual dashboard instead of a recycled prop from the J.J. Abrams Star

I haven’t had one single electronic device not brick on me before. I don’t think Teslas or any or electronic device will be an exception to the rule. Even ICE cars have fuses and ecu that burn out. It’s going to be awhile until I think about getting a fully electric car. 

The screen is downstream from critical functions, in other words, if the screen computer fails, then no other functions are affected, but if an upstream system fails, like the main computer, all critical functions can fail, as well as the screen. The video is proof. Your disbelief is due to your love of the brand, not

I currently own a manual 2008 Honda Fit... and I’m guessing the Fit you drove was also a 1st gen model. If I drive it hard, I get about 33mpg. If I take it easy, I get around 38mpg. If I hypermile, I can get into the mid 40s.

I can’t imagine any scenario where I’d drive 700 miles to transport a dishwasher.

My assumption is that lowering the actual headlights on a taller vehicle allows them to extend the headlight cutoff without blinding oncoming traffic as much.

I prefer this one.

Also cool was the way Biden made the Saudis manipulate the oil market way before he was elected. I mean, it’s not possible that some other administration whose members have since gotten massive investments from them and let the m get away with murder could have had anything at all to do with it.

When people ask how many miles are too many miles they are clearly asking “at what point will I have to start repairing this thing”, which as you point out is a sticky question. I personally don’t own a car with less than 150,000 miles and I don’t see anything wrong with that, but Its obvious their real question is -

Where else do you keep the manual if not in the car?

I mean this with absolutely no sarcasm and no ill-will (I’m serious), it’s not going to work for you ever. I’ve found if I person can’t get a parking lot crawl or under 10 mph first gear crawl going, they’re not going to learn. It’s not hard, but there’s some people that just cant pick up certain things. I spent a lot

When you are living together and that ability might be needed in an emergency.

Depends, are you trying to break up? I gave up on teaching my wife for the sake of our marriage.

Never. Get a friend to teach them.

That’s pretty thorough, One more thing I can tell people to RTFM!!! Better to teach someone how to do it properly than have the cheater system a lot of bimmers had in the mid 00's (haven’t driven a newer model manual BMW since) but if you got too close to the stall point the car would ‘blip” the throttle on its own

Tangential question: When is the right time in a relationship to teach your non-manual driving partner the right way to drive?

I should have heeded that warning in my first car at 16 about the 5th-to-4th downshift. Went into 2nd by mistake, let the clutch out and the engine braking was so violent that it made the front wheels screech as the tachometer raced way into the red. Sorry little Honda...

You weren’t alone. extra points if you made the engine noises yourself too.

Or you can sit in your Mom’s car in the driveway shifting through the gears and pretending you’re driving, like I did for many hours when I was a kid.