Fun fact time!
Fun fact time!
Nothing says well thought out idea like putting a bunch of small text on the back of a bus sandwiched between “Stay back 1000 feet.”
Danger! Murderers, rapists, kidnappers, child molesters, and other criminals on board.
That is the real takeaway here: what the heck did bacon ever do to anybody to deserve to be put in the same article as this goober? I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that, just as the most telling sign you’re not ready to have sex is that you can’t say “sex” without giggling or blushing, the most telling sign you…
“Such a religious bigot should not be giving the prayer that opens the United States Embassy in Jerusalem.”
2018, when just telling it like it is, eg. that you’re openly a Nazi, will somehow actually get you votes. Like, actual, real, humans supporting you.
At least the Nazis are honest?
Who the hell records their deadlift (a) from the front and (b) without the plates in the frame. You think we’re impressed that you can deadlift 135, bro?
At least the car salesmen just fuck you metaphorically.
...talking about how bad automobile people are...
“Someone spelled ‘Fox’ in bacon” - what an awful thing to do to bacon. I thought bacon made everything better, but no. Racism and Fox cannot be made better with bacon.
Liftin n Griftin.
I mean, he’s probably a piece of shit, politically-speaking, but let’s be real here: buying wine and lifting are both far more useful to society than doing anything in his official capacity as a Republican politician.
The “bartender” work out. Biceps and chest only.
I get that you lift, but given your fundraising numbers, it seems fair to ask ... do you even grift, bro?
In the scheme of likely outcomes in the Missouri Senate race, going for “ dump her ghoul ass and try to get a Dem who cares about human life above corporations and warfare” probably means handing ripped Bobby Newport here the election.
Paul Ryan 2.0. Ugh. Also, when the fuck is leg day?
It’s tough finding someone to replace Hope!
That sounds like some quid pro quo.