I’m not super angry about this, but what does this mean for WB’s unified streaming efforts?
I’m not super angry about this, but what does this mean for WB’s unified streaming efforts?
The most damning part of the article, in my opinion, is this:
Also at 17 I’m fairly sure legally he shouldn’t be cutting lumber or operating a forklift...
It is ok, he is soon going to learn what it is like to be fired. I don’t think calling in is going to be much more favorable to them than just not showing up.
I’ve had jobs, and I think the mindset was, “we don’t care how bad you think it is, it’s not bad enough that you’d quit, so we don’t care.” I called their bluff and quit. That’s the only thing that gets through. I would tell my kid “quit the job, they’re not treating you well, and you don’t need to put up with it”.…
His mother probably thinks she’s teaching him to be responsible. And if this wasn’t Splinter News I’d almost guarantee they were black.
The stamp collectors are really going to lord this over the coin collectors at this year’s Philatelists-Nusmismatists Softball Wine Mixer
Whitworth, unfortunately. why do you think they’ve been on the shelf for so long?
Nevermind, the website is so broken that you’d think Baron coded it.
I’m buying one. It’s going to be a nice reminder of how everything went to hell.
Are those chicken thighs SAE or metric?
According to the Air Force, none of the airmen used drugs while on the job.
One time, I got a bag of free popcorn from a hardware store. I caught strep throat so hard I died. I’m dead.
So basically, if the Air Force is correct, this isn’t any bigger of a story if they got caught drinking and driving. In other words what they did on their off duty time isn’t a national security crisis as the article’s tone would like us to believe.
So they weren’t tripping while on duty. I don’t give a fuck what kind of drugs people use when they aren’t at work.
According to the Air Force, none of the airmen used drugs while on the job.
*observes random service members passed out in ditch on way to work on military base*
“I’m dying! When is this going to end?”
My wife thinks I’m an alien for my gaping blind spots in classic American pop music. Last summer, I told her I would be really hard pressed to come up with the name of any Fleetwood Mac song. None of it really sticks with me. Sadder yet, I worked for years at record stores. Classic rock fans need no help, in my…