I’m so sick to fucking death of these cowards ignoring the elephant in the room and blaming every shooting on “mental illness.” EVERY country has mentally ill people. EVERY country has violent people. THIS is the only country that fucking arms them.
I’m so sick to fucking death of these cowards ignoring the elephant in the room and blaming every shooting on “mental illness.” EVERY country has mentally ill people. EVERY country has violent people. THIS is the only country that fucking arms them.
Jimmy Kimmel.... a man of the people. His job maybe to entertain all of us but he at least uses his platform to say things that needed to be said. Fuck the NRA. Fuck Charlton Heston’s rifle speech. If I ever come across his tombstone, I will make damn sure I piss on it.
This is just more evidence for my theory: The Austrians love David Hasselhoff.
That still ticks me off. In the Simpsons universe, he’s Rainier Wolfcastle, damnit!
I feel like Arnold needs a hobby of some sort to keep him off the streets and out of trouble.
Look at the cluster-fuck that is Spider-man 3.
So true, I love the MCU and love Marvel Comics but I really hate Ike Perlmutter. His is a bad person
I don’t think so. The MCU being what it is today could never have been done under Fox or Sony. We may have gotten a couple good movies out of it(like the Raimi Spider-man or a few of the X-Men films) but studio notes and mandates would end up killing a cinematic universe way to quickly.
To be fair, that was really the sentiment in the 90s, thru the 2000s.
Anything that causes Ike Perlmutter angst and agony makes me cheer and scream like a birthday girl.
Could all that MCU cash have been Sony’s to win? That requires believing that Sony would have been as successful in developing the series.
Not sure about statutes of limitations in the US, usually the clock starts ticking when you first learn of the infringement, but there may be exceptions to that if the infringement is ongoing (as it is in this case, since the show is still being produced)
I assume this has got to be a copyright lawsuit...in which case, regardless of ANY other considerations, hasn’t the statute of limitations already passed...? If the guy directed an episode in 2012, he’s obviously known about the show for more than 3 years...
Consider that in 1980 ABC did a show called Fridays that swiped the exact format of Saturday Night Live, complete with guest host, news segment, and musical guest.
By the same token, if the guy suing Seinfeld wanted to do his own Jerry-less version of comedians in cars getting coffee, he’d most likely be free to do so.…
Yeah, I feel like this is basically claiming he came up with the idea for half of Pulp Fiction. Filming people having a conversation on the way to somewhere is is a cinematic technique with a long history.
Kinda, yeah. For one thing, TV show formats aren’t really covered by copyright. They can be licensed (e.g. American Idol from the UK’s Pop Idol, etc.), but that’s really more to do with the accompanying trademarks than the actual show.
‘Charles and Seinfeld shot a pilot together after finding a downed Cessna while hiking. According to Charles, Seinfeld said he had ‘always wanted to play the most dangerous game’.
I also don’t understand if this is true that he stole the idea, then why direct an episode of the stolen show? Why not bring up the lawsuit then? Hellllooooo