
But I play bass for “Insufferable Crypto Preachers”! We’re playing the Dallas/Fort Worth VFW next Thursday!

Crypto is fine. Insufferable crypto preachers are the absolute worst.

There are times when having aphantasia is really useful. This is one of those times.

Bring a toaster, in case you get hungry!

Try drinking some scotch and taking a few xanax before you get in that nice deep tub next time, Bill. You’ll be surprised at how long you’ll linger.

You sound like some acolyte circa 1999.

“Plaintiff was repulsed.”

he gives sound advice....

Romance languages have defaulted to the masculine to describe groups of people of both sexes for millennia - you could get used to that.

That’s cute. Unlike English, the Spanish language has an official regulator, the Real Academia Española. Until they approve it, this “Latinx” nonsense is just some fervent dream of some entitled (Insert Your Aggrieved Minority)-Studies Professors. I’m sure they’ll next start a movement to formally refer to whites as

As a Latino, I find this whole “latinx” thing a cultural encroachment of the dominate Anglo culture attempting to enforce one of its linguistic constructs on another culture. It’s insulting and patronizing.

Who wants to take relaxation advice from a tightly wound hothead?

Dolores O’Riordan’s death must’ve hit’im hard. Don’t let it burn, Bill, don’t let it fade.


I wasn’t expecting to die this way and now that I am, all I have are questions: is he a lavender man? ocean breeze? maybe some sort of vanilla concoction??

Those items will be on a separate blockchain, when the time comes.

That’s the nice thing about grandkids. You think, “Oh, wait. I remember this part.” And, hopefully, you do it better the second time around. Or at least you fuck them up in a different way than you did their parents.

This warmed my cold, dead heart.

When my grandson comes home from school, I usually greet him with, “Hey, buddy. How you doing? Did you learn anything interesting today?” But he’s 5 and so everything at school is still interesting to him, and he’s glad somebody wants to know. I know it’ll pass but I’m enjoying it while it lasts.

Counterpoint: My parents never asked me about my day. I promise you, that is far far worse.