
But you see the issue, right? We have many, many words that are intensifiers already. We have very few that mean “actually happened in a specific and literal sense.” So we’re just losing a tool from our toolkit the way we’ve lost “ironic,” and that’s sad.

Can we all notice how Gina Rodriguez didn’t use the word Latinx?

? Just use your Tax Cut Bonus to buy property. I’m using mine to send my son through college and donating the rest to my favorite Crisis Pregnancy Center. It’s all smooth sailing from here on out.

And his assistant, the guy from the battery commercials who said “oi!”.

Brisbane Times reports the whole thing is actually part of a viral marketing campaign for Australian tourism.

Student debt is a good point. Just the rising cost of higher education is probably limiting the number of people who can afford to attend college, which is a big factor in potential earnings. It’s also worth noting that the older millennials graduated during a recession, with another recession less than a decade

Savings in the survey is defined as

I know a fair share of millenials who had their shit together, but not quite in time to buy before the housing crash, but for the 3 or 4 years after when housing was half price, and any investment decisions could do no wrong. I completely believe there is a segment of millenials who reached the homebuying point in

It wasn’t in good faith. This wasn’t a business transaction. Which part of this would have been “mutually beneficial” for the Inn? She has a piddly number of largely underage followers with little to no disposable income, much less desire, to go to such a place, and her IG is mostly selfies and navel-gazing bullshit;

Having only $100k in retirement savings at 37 isn’t anything to get excited about.

It would make sense for more Millennial households to be in poverty than households of other generations, because Millennials would have far fewer years in the workforce.

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It would make sense for more Millennial households to be in poverty than households of other generations, because Millennials would have far fewer years in the workforce.

So do you get your followers to review bomb their ratings if you don’t get your way, like she did? In order to get something from someone, you have to have something they want. She is a minor blogger with likely not enough local followers to make ‘exposure’ worth anything. She wants something for nothing. Good reviews

First rule of any endeavor: know your audience. I’m a black dude and I know Ireland (I lived there a few years, and still have family there). The Irish keep it real like that. She profits off spon-con, which is advertising disguised as reviews - so she deserves mockery. “I’ll give you great coverage if you give me a

If you’re not joking, then you’re fulfilling the young person stereotype 100%.

On the counterpoint, being paid to provide a review (and a free room is paid) eliminates any objectivity from the review, since if you trash a place in your review, you won’t get free rooms to review other places, so you are overly glowing.

But, as a 49-year-old, you know NEVER to put anything in writing that could come back to bite you - especially with the Internet. She should have telephoned and made her pitch, whereupon White Moose management would have laughed in her face and hung up on her, leaving her with private hurt feelings instead of public

Well, I’m 49 and have no issue with her asking for a room. Not that she asked me — for my opinion, I mean, not to give her a room.