
I don’t think this is true. You can’t watch this show for it’s satire without also holding the belief that overgeneralization of others is uncouth at best and harmful at worst. I highly doubt that viewers are fooled into believing that a group of 20 people is Kingman, AZ or America.

Yesterday was Opposite Day.

Double Negative Day.

Opposite Opposite Day 

You see, it's opposite day again.

I came to a similar conclusion after last week’s episode and nothing I’ve seen since has dissuaded me from that conclusion.

Why is Farouk speaking to us? To teach us how his powers can be used to manipulate the world, but really how his abilities allow him to prey on the bad aspects of our psyches. As if to say, “I am evil, but evilness is subjective and it exists whether I exist or not.” SK is a parasite that preys on our nightmares (all

That’s a very interesting theory, but the problem with it is that Farouk is most certainly a narcissist and that whole presentation surely had something to do with him, so why would he explain narcissism as a delusion, and would he even be aware of it? I don’t think any narcissist is aware they are one, that would be

Despite the Don Draper Educational Segment putting the brakes on the momentum, this was an episode in which Legion was firing on all cylinders. From Farouk’s sly menace to David’s growing confidence to Syd’s kick, I found a lot to enjoy here.

I believe that Jon Hamm is Farouk. In the last episode, Farouk seemed to occupy the White World. We often only see the bad elements of perception distortion. If you recall, Farouk zipped up the astral plane into the White World. We also see David go there once.

You’re right. It was a modern interpretation of cave allegory. That allegory was then extended to what if you could move/act/behave in the world of shadows. And, because those shadows are depersonalized given that they are a shadow and you are you, our actions are harmful.

Pretty sure that’s merely egotism by said writer and yourself, which is perhaps a lesser manifestation of the same phenomenon (ego dominance) but still significantly less bad.

Yeah, I think we learned something about Alex’s cellphone habits here.

Exactly my thoughts as well.

I think you completely misunderstood the point of that Hamm interlude, it was very clearly about the delusion of narcissism rather than anything to do with technology or Black Mirror. Technology and shadows in caves were just used as a means of illustrating the point.

I mean, wrong question.

Generally, I am with you. This opinion piece is an extrapolation of a TED talk that is inherently light on substance and more reliant on spectacle or abstract thought. No one should watch his talk and think this it was his complete and final modus operandi.

After all this commentary you never thought to wonder if there was an actual referent? In fact, this entire opinion piece is an extrapolation of the TED Talk.

Focusing only on the Cloverfield franchise, maybe, but to say that his mystery box style is a problem is false.