
I am really looking forward to a cameo/feature in the movie/album from Donald Glover/Childish Gambino.

Hmm, I don’t see any conversation about THAT Leia scene. Avoiding the tough questions, are we?

I don’t know how valuable that is, in the abstract, to OKC. (not shedding Oladipo, but a free max slot)

I ... don’t quite get this deal for either team. Maybe I’m underestimating what George + Westbrook can do together, but I feel like OKC has made themselves a little better (with a hell of a lot of risk), and Indiana has made itself slightly worse (without getting much added value in terms of future prospects). Maybe

“Genius Sam Presti Erases That Idiot Sam Presti’s Mistake From 8 Months Ago”

Definitely Won The Australian Open While Pregnant

Schumacher and Rossi did a publicity event once where they swopped, Rossi came within 3 seconds of the lap record but then went off into a gravel trap, Schumacher said something about it and Rossi said something like “I’m faster in a car than Michael will ever be on a bike”.

You’re renting your TV from a different Aaron.


It’s about the lowest bar I can think of. I’ve been a lifelong cynic so far as this “basic good of all men” type schtick, but never before did I feel that so many people were drawn to such primal dark forces, some unconscious longing for annihilation.

Do the Cavs, who needed a bad call to go in their favor to win need to play better in the preceeding 47 minutes or nah, just fuck the Warriors?

Amen brov

Well, I do admire your hopefulness.

It looked to me like Jefferson committed two fouls on that play, stepping on Durant’s foot to trip him and shoving his back to send him to the floor. Durant should have had free throws.

That’s fundamentally flawed, and you know it.

I get that Curry hating is in vogue right now but are we forgetting that Lebron is the ultimate bitch?

I understand the argument, but games are 48 minutes. Every team has the right to a fair game, up until the last second.

His supporters’ need to believe in him is so great they will insist that whatever you show them, no matter how clear the recording, is simply not happening. This is a one of a kind kind of weirdness we’re dealing with, and no ordinary anything is going to be enough to deprogram Orange’s followers.

Your hyperbole is ridiculous. Anything illegal is impeachable. So, yes, illegal acts would affect him.