You know me, I. Hate. Everyone.

My go to all time worst use of a fatsuit is Battlestar Galactica’s too orange, and oddly upper-chest heavy fatsuit Apollo. It’s not so much the suit (though it is awful) but the whole story-line is pretty offensive.

I stopped reading at “seapunk”.

Malory and Cheryl’s interactions are some of my favorite Archer moments. 

Damn! That IS bright!

“Lead to an increase in light pollution

I miss the fixed cameras of the early RE games so much. They created some pretty cinematic situations and really lent to the atmosphere.

It can go right next to “thoughts and prayers” for disingenuous statements that basically amount to “nothing is going to change, go fuck yourself”.

Sorry Grov, I didn’t mean it as a slight toward you.

“but I understood I shouldn’t say it”


Cover my back, Wingman. The rear admiral wants us to pound away with the 10-inch gun.