
It’s amazing to me when there’s a valid criticism of female character design and (mostly) men pour out of the woodwork expecting their blatant logical fallacies (false dichotomies and straw people, especially) will be taken seriously. They lack the self-awareness to realize that they embody the culture they claim

Reddit’s trans communities are phenomenally supportive and have played a large part in saving my life as well as many others. We shouldn’t have to abandon that to trolls. There’s no “in fairness” to that because there no reason to be fair to the site or its admins for letting us be attacked, or to the trolls for

Some of them had gone pages with extremely racist, exist, and transphobic content. Others were just accounts with offensive names and profile pictures mocking us. You can’t ban them without seeing their account, so when they follow you as “what-u-will-be” and it’s a picture implying you’ll never pass, it can be

This is one of my favorite trolls of all time, and the update is the icing on a cake made with astonishing artistry.

Another thing that may factor into this is age. It certainly doesn’t explain the disparity, but Black Americans live much shorter lives than white Americans (and are more vulnerable to COVID-19 complications at younger ages). In 2016, life expectancy was 81 for non-Hispanic white women, 76.1 for non-Hispanic white

Criminal history was accounted for in the study. It’s named as a control in regression models on p. 1 and included in the variables and data sources on p. 10.

Youth flight keeps Republicans in power, and Maine is a good example of that as the most consistently Republican state in New England. It’s especially bad in Ohio, where legislators and community leaders in the non-urban areas blame urban Ohioans (black people, LGBTQ people, young liberals) for causing the state’s

Can we also add that nothing is “inherently alienating”? Actions become alienating in context. Something about her emphasis on “inherently alienating” really didn’t sit well with me.

As a sociologist, I took issue with Hochschild’s resistance to expanding the term to household labor. It seems devaluing, which is weird for the person who literally wrote the book on the second shift. Like, academic terms get expanded way too far in vernacular use all the time, but there is legitimate sociological

Emotional labor as a concept has probably been expanded too far beyond its sociological and economic definitions, but it definitely has application in household labor and needed to be expanded there. Women in straight relationships are often expected to manage their emotions for the benefit of others as part of their

It’s brave of you to say something so wrong about HBC’s fashion so loudly.

He meant vulva. Like most men who want to control women’s bodies, he’s entirely ignorant, and probably terrified, of women’s bodies.

He also claims his wife’s vagina is his property and she can’t say no to sex, saying they split it right down the middle of the “uvula” (his words, not mine). He’s publicly outed himself as a sexual abuser of both his wife and his daughter.

During questioning a number of justices were already making this about athletics and bathrooms. That makes me think this case is lost, and that they’re not going to decide it on the precedent of Price Waterhouse but instead argue that they’re preventing some nightmare apocalypse at the bottom of the slippery slope of “

From what I understand, decriminalizing sex work tends to provide the most protections. Legalizing and regulating sex work isn’t as effective as decriminalization because registration and regulation create barriers that prevent marginalized sex workers from receiving protections.

Right? We literally have a public health problem in the US because of long sedentary hours of office work and grueling commutes, but somehow office workers aren’t seen as “selling their bodies.” That’s not to say that sex work and office work have the same risks or are 1:1 analogous, but we need a better framework for

Research shows that simply using trans youths’ names and pronouns substantially reduces the risk of suicide and suicidal ideation. Imagine being brazen enough to say “I shouldn’t be fired for harming my students” or “You’re forcing me to side with my students’ health” and expecting those argument to work.

R. W. Connell describes the ideology of “hegemonic masculinity” as “the currently accepted answer to the problem of the legitimacy of patriarchy,” and I have always found that super helpful for thinking about how difficult it is to make any change. Your comment highlights the new “currently accepted answer” super well.

I live near Vanderbilt and I see surprisingly few of the influencer types in the wild, at least from what I expected when I moved here last year. Granted, I live in Hillsboro Village/Belmont and don’t spend much time in 12 South or Broadway/downtown. Every time I’ve gone through those places I’ve literally had to stop

There’s an Isaac Asimov quote that reminds me of why developing scientific literacy feels like such an uphill battle (emphasis mine):