
how does ponies have a clip that applies to EVERY SINGLE FUCKING SOUND-CLIP EVER?


I love Skwisgaar.

OK...if Cars 2 was the price we all had to pay to be able to fund something this insainly awesome looking...I think it was worth it.

Inexcusable. Image is not wide enough for a background image =(

This is clearly a fraud.

Im sure someone in congress just forgot a minus sign.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA just made me spit my soda onto my keyboard =(

What a waste of taxpayer money.


I suggest my method:

2 Quadro 6000 in SLI with 16gb of ram and a 3ghz i7 on the computer at work that we do our video rendering on. Using Maya 2010, all 8 CPU cores never max out.

You know that want my intent originally...but I think I like it better now that you point it out =)

I have a 3gig i7 and the thing is NEVER maxed, BF3 at max, video encoding, etc.

I dont remember getting a Wii being a problem at all....of course I was a manager at a computer store so I had mine a week before everyone else as I pulled it off of the delivery truck and set it up in my office...but that couldnt be it at all.

I just learned that the UK doesnt get the new Muppets movie until Feb...

Come on, enough with the partisan bullshit...everyone of the basters is full of hot air =P

Eventually 3dmark is just going to push a system so hard that it starts a fusion reaction.