
What? She just has a personal gravity well in here throat.

Actually Scotch is only whisky. It is never WHISKEY.

More videos of things not getting wet please!!

That was, couldnt you tell?

Aint nothing unmanly about loving mans best friend.

Most people just dont have their dogs trained well.

Thats exactly how in interpreted the second pic as well.

I have no way of controlling a District court, especially in a district I, I don't vote for them.

Just think,,,,everybody on gawker could steam clean all of there clothing at once with one of these!!! in a week the government saved net neutrality and protected everyone's privacy?

Now playing

I see your 10 hours of Nyan Cat and raise you 10 Hours of Nyan Cat in 720p =)

Thank you for the /s. It would have been a shame to burn down your house because you were being facetious =)

All of it. =)

that is exactly what I was thinking as well.

Dont take this the wrong way...but I think I love you for showing me this blog.

I would rather see Willis as the Dixie Flatline.

I am more then willing to give new sci-fi shows a chance. I am, however, not willing to give teh Syfy channel another chance. I simply don't believe that the people in charge of the network have a single clue what they are doing. I honestly want the network to just go away at this point.

Should be a natural barrier to sandworms as well =) /snicker

"Why does your Yeti have so much rage?"

Sort of, Jesus is a translation of the Latin Iesus, which is a translation of the Greek Iesous which is a Hellenization of the Hebrew-Aramaic name Yesua (sorry Im not looking up all the alt codes for the over-scored letters =D ). There are Roman records of the crucifixion of someone with this name during the correct