
Red ones must be a cinnamon blast then =)

Roman census records.

Well I'm def now, but the rest of the video was pretty cool looking =)

Dear Syfy,

The problem with your suggestion is that you are trying to force a broadcast network paradigm onto a distributed network.

I really want this to be good. Seems like the closest thing to a GoW movie well ever get.

He did use words!!!

No cord, no thank you.

Ya well...I can crop images with the best of em so there!!!

And sharks!

I was definitely born 2 decades late as far as my musical tastes are concerned. Thin Lizzy, Rush, AC/DC, Zep, just can't get enough hard rock.

Wonder if my Wii still hasn't been turned on in at least a year

Pocket book empty, AC:R and Skyrim have taken all my moneys

I love how all the escaping droplets are all uniform in size.

And how are the blind suppose to draw the shape that they see on the screen?

Are that taking applications for children to adopt?

Just wait a god damn minute...your telling my my iPhone can make phone call too?!?!?!?!

I <3 minute physics.

I dont think I can describe how much I love this.

I find that traveling by map is the fastest way to get around.