
You know that great whites and many other sharks prefer colder water right?

Really? Really? So all my wife had to do to get her weight under control was use more calories then she consumed?

I think I probably averaged about 5 hrs a night during highschool. Collage was much the same with the addition of an afternoon hr nap =)

You just need better friends :)

I bought the entire sound track to this game just because of "Another Winter"

"(I don't have a citation, sorry)"

Pretty much every game I bought for the snes, ps1, n64, and ps2. Especially late ps1/early ps2 game as that was high school and I pretty much only slept when my body wouldn't function any more back then.

Logged in to post that. Thanks for doing it for me :)

Wait...there was a not super random episode of FLCL?

Nintendo totally missed the ball on giving me a reason to buy 2 3DSs.

Let's just ban everyone < 18 from Xbox live.

Frankly I dont care WHAT it is used to cure, the fact that is kills tumors is just a bonus.

I am honestly thanking you for that explanation. I think that video would have eroded my soul without it.

What the fuck does a fishs tied to a balloon have to do with the freaking suspension of a car?

that was a joke right?

Well that's bullshit. I call for a public flogging for this teachers crims