

Is a momooth some sort of mammoth with an extra tooth or something?

#8 Build your house on top of the bluff overlooking the river and not in the rivers flood plain =)

So now your telling me that 1 isnt a valid sample size!

So wait a minute...there is going to be 2 free TBMs under Manhatten?

So...your telling me that Missouri's average speed is only 407kbs?

Does...does the US navy even have any destroyers with large cannons on them anymore? Pretty sure the largest gun in service still, is only 5''

No no no, this cant be right. Cutting taxes makes the government MORE money while saving more for the middle least that's what Fox News keeps telling me.

Kind of a mindfuck to see the kid in Ghana with ipod headphones in...dont know y, it just kind of blew my mind

It stated very clearly that the monitoring was done with the consent of the new owners in the video.

I think I would kill to make a Dragonlance movie happen. The cartoon one does not exist and anyone who speaks of it shall be smitten by a just angry god (Kiri-Jolith).

I'm going to go with a Batman based theory and hope that it was something like this.

There appear to be MANY more naked dudes then I remember from college...


Last time io9 linked to a fleshbot article there was a picture of a giant green "vaginal stimulation" device with a big smile on it as the main picture on the homepage...was not what I was expecting to see at work thats for sure.

NO!!! NO!!! NO!!!!

Just finished the second DLC yesterday, guess ill just put a hold on the current save and play something else for a month...firelands patch better drop next week =)

Now how to make Shazam listen to my iphones pandora and give me the lyrics of what im listening to on my phone....