
Is that suppose to be a spatula or a bone saw?

Because the geek with the most LED lights when he dies wins and if they aren't visible they don't count, duh.


And every major airline will just ask for the golf course to be removed so they can shove in more seats.

This. Thats why both outlook and gmail disable images and javascript by default in their spam folders.

If its the same concert series I saw earlier this year here in St Louis then the LotR event if VERY cool and def worth a look. While they played the sound track different production and concept art were projected on the walls. Was just a great night.

Molyneux throwing someone under the bus?

I have a 3GS right now and my wife has a 4. While I would really love to get a new retina screen, I think Im just going to skip the whole iphone 4 generation and wait for a 4g iphone.

This...actually made superman a much more believeable character. think flailing my arms infront of a camera connected to my Xbox is the future of gaming then? Because I was MUCH more impressed by Sony and Nintendo then i was MS.

It must have been a subtlety rogue =)

Lets not make "deathversary" a just... doesn't sound dignified. Lets just keep using anniversary of his death.

Its a good damn thing my wife likes portal 2 as well...a non-geek wife would probably have me committed for laughing every time I see a potato =)

Why why why would you ever put pork scraps, that most restaurants throw out, mixed with transglutaminases (i.e. meat glue) and other crap, that have been pressed into the shape of a rib, into your mouth?

You know it was originally books right?

That must have been one HELL of an office betting pool...but for science of course.

ohhh...multitasking...i can do 360, PS3 and 2 PCs....but where to get a 5th system?

Nov 15th hu?

grumble...stupid auto-correct plug-in...grumble grumble..

What the hell good does having the fork and the knife on the same utensil do?