
""Look, I'm just trying to concentrate on not peeing on you," and our society would not have advanced very far."

86F with 75% humidity

"Let's Kill Hitler by Steven Moffat"

You've been waiting to make that joke since you heard the name haven't you?

Well, the most of electricity, for my home and my ISP, both coming for one of the best ran nuclear power stations in the world. ([]

Bitchy gamer chick is bitchy...and all of them were annoying.

I have some friends in the NSA...they are smart, VERY smart. Genius level smart. Most defiantly not the people that I would want to come looking for me.

"What matters is whether or not they used any of his copyrighted code in their version."

Mine as well. The school actually had to replace the ceiling tiles in her class room once a semester because she lit it on fire so often =P

Dude, its just a near perfect map of nearly the whole world. Whats so great about that?

Stop it damn it!! I cant stop laughing!!

I thought I wanted this...I was wrong...

"Perhaps I'll try to scan the cat next."

Damn it, first you post a video of a flying purple penis then you make me laugh out loud at work. You TRYING to get people fired today Fahey?

We brew in the Irish tradition in a pot still and the taste is very similar to a 12 year Jameson's. We use the same style of both malted and green barley which we get from a local farmer (we get everything local).

Actually there is a good chance that it wasn't. The series is mostly being filmed in LA and startz is coproducing with the BBC.

My thoughts were strikingly similar...

That's cause it pure alcohol.

"short of somehow resurrecting Douglas Adams (which I'm not ruling out)"

That's just horrible!!!