two hours of battery life
two hours of battery life
Like the entire article is sarcasm
Thats clearly sarcasm
I wouldn’t downplay the utter clusterfuck that was the wii/wii u branding fiasco though...
We thought that about McCain himself and look where that got us.
Youre a Jedi with a sword made out of light and the ability to move things with your mind. This is the dumbest thing I've ever read.
So, you don’t like Metroidvanias then. Ok.
welcome to hell
Gita, you’’re not alone.
Counter-counterpoint: yah.
Ok boomer.
You either care way too much about what people think you think about games or you’re being paid way too little.
It’s the same thing that I can’t fathom when people say that there’s Star Wars fatigue cause there’s too much content. Like, don’t you remember what it was like to be a star wars fan when knowing there wasn’t nary a single movie on the horizon, and all you had to tide you over was pretty much fanfiction?
lol, China’s an authoritarian shithole in many way but things are a bit different than the 1984 caricature everyone thinks it is (unless you’re a Uyghur). The easy answer is that almost all online platforms require verification by phone in China, and phone numbers must be linked to a national ID card.
My best guess is that we will stop hearing my take shortly before we stop hearing your response.
5 minutes from the blog being posted to victim blaming, solid work
Destiny 2 is good.
Just get rid of him already, all these fucking people and their disgusting fucking edgy streams, learn some manners and laws because this shit is tiring.
Melt Man! With the power to... melt.