
As someone stated on the Destiny reddit, all of the complaints about how scarce treasure keys were will now transform into complaints about how shitty the loot from the big chest is.

Goddamn it. I kind of like the guy but I won’t be able to not think of this from now on.

Fake resume? Elaborate!!!!

Yeah, no. Nice try. Ohio is basically nearing the Midwest, so if we’re talking Northeastern states, PA is the Florida of the bunch. They’re politically important and seemingly blue, but I have enough friends that went to Penn State or from Western PA in general to know that it’s as redneck and backwards as they come

Yeah, I was dumbfounded by this as well. My mother had to go through bureaucratic hell to get her citizenship. I guess she should have tried being filthy rich and corrupt first.

“I’d like to thank God.”

Stuffy old sportswriters expect canned answers to their canned questions, come hell or highwater. That’s why everyone got their panties in a bunch over Marshawn Lynch. Why can’t he just go out there and tell us he’s gonna give it 110% and do it for his teammates like we want him to?!

OK, the gum one had me dying. Riley Curry is the best!

Poor play? Do you find this offensive or something?

I’ve done some Sherpa-ing in Destiny. Took a few people through Vault of Glass for their first time and their reaction to everything was so worth it.

Just got t his today and wow. I did not think we’d be able to get it done. I seem to have vastly underestimated my ToO acumen. My fireteam won 9 straight, too. No buffs or boons since we didn’t have the coins.

You think people not being stupid enough to fuck up their/they’re/there are being Grammar Nazis? How about people learn the goddamned language.

So I guess we’ve reached the point where people start calling out the show for changing book plot-lines when they don’t like them.

You don’t have to get defensive over your privilege. Just enjoy it and move on.

What an idiot!

You have to go far enough that you get the text pop-up in the lower left that notified you you’ve crossed into a new area.

You can definitely get each chest multiple times by leaving the area and coming back before the timer runs out. I was able to hit one chest three times.

Yorkies are lame, anyway!

He lied to them about now knowing the equipment guy. If you, for one second, really believe that he didn’t know the guy and that the “he” referred to in the texts between the two equipment managers isn’t Brady, then I have a bridge to sell you.

Agreed. Kraft helped create this monster, and now he complains that it’s unfair. Eat shit.