Great write-up. I played vanilla WoW back in the day and left before Burning Crusade came back. Years later I came back for Cataclysm and the changes were startling.
Great write-up. I played vanilla WoW back in the day and left before Burning Crusade came back. Years later I came back for Cataclysm and the changes were startling.
It was actually Tom Collins. Sadly, they’re alcoholics.
This is like Christmas come early. I honestly don’t know how they could have made this worse. They look dumber, and more guilty, than ever.
Par for the course on any Destiny post. HURR DURR PEOPLE STILL PLAY THIS? Nope. Those 180,000 people who watched each of the reveal streams was just doing it out of spite.
Yup. Now, with my relatively limited gaming time, I’ve basically written the series off because for those of us who stopped after ACII, there’s no catching up.
I really can’t keep track of all the AC games anymore. I played a few and stopped, telling myself I’d buy the next one on the cheap and play it then. Well, now I’ve missed out on like fucking 8 of them so I just gave up on the series.
How much are trees? Can’t you just plant a fucking acorn or some shit? I don’t know, man, I rent.
All of that sucks but at least you have a dope kinja handle.
So what are you doing commenting?
It’s nothing verified, but what’s the alternative? Is the gaming press supposed to just not write about this at all, since everyone involved refuses to go on the record?
Great roll. And FWC weapons always look so dope.
Ah, yes. Nintendo is really diving into the future with this one. Three games in the next two years! Be careful, Nintendo. You wouldn’t want to rush yourself and maybe put our more games than you mean to.
No, but LeSean apparently got mad at a woman on a party bus and kicked her off on the side of the New Jersey Turnpike.
They haven’t upped the drops, but in House of Wolves you can hit max level with any piece of purple gear you want, so the “everyone wears the same armor” problem will be gone.
It’s randomly a really, really good-looking game.
You’ll be able to “ascend” your VoC to the highest damage level. As for gear, don’t sweat it. Just buy vendor gear when HoW comes out with vanguard marks and that should level you up in one fell swoop.
I hate that I’ve become defensive about this game. It feels like everyone just hates on it nonstop.
Ah, yes. Kotaku, where everyone from Jason on down hates Destiny. I particularly like the comments that state both that this is another boring horde mode and that boooooo, this isn’t a horde mode like people wanted. It’s great.