There are 189,000 people watching the stream right now. Hate all you want, but people like it.
There are 189,000 people watching the stream right now. Hate all you want, but people like it.
I’m an Eagles fan. I don’t think Chip Kelly is actually racist.
This guy also responded to someone else further down to tell him Nick Foles is obviously white. The stupidity on display is staggering.
I also think it’s really fucked up that Chip keeps saying Sam Bradford is prone to injunry.
Seconded. Everyone chill the fuck out.
Awww noo! My pup has a very well-developed personality and is incredibly playful. She just doesn’t want anyone cuddling her unless she feels like it.
YES. If you don’t want to walk your dog, don’t get a dog.
People should be really clear with themselves about why they want a dog and what kind of dog they want. I own a Shiba Inu that is a classic Shiba in looks and temperament. My ex-girlfriend, despite all my warnings about their temperament, never got over the fact that my pup can seem somewhat cold and aloof as Shibas…
Started for the Eagles and beat the Giants on Sunday night. I’ll always appreciate him for that.
I don’t get it. First, people complain that they can’t find 5 other people to do end-game content with, so they downsize it to groups of 3. So then people complain that there’s no raid.
You have to go into this with a pre-made fireteam of 3 people, so this wouldn’t happen. But nice try.
I’m glad there’s no matchmaking. After watching the stream, I can safely say that there is a 0% chance I’d want to jump into that with two other randoms.
Because they reward new content and weapons that are part of House of Wolves. It’s not so much about the gametype but about the loot.
Only a few replies in we get the mandatory old white dude calling for looters to be shot on “site.”
Pretty sure Barry is an Eagles fan, but I may be wrong.
Everything I ever hear about having kids sounds absolutely miserable.
Did Crazy Willie put you up to this?
My job affords me a very liberal work from home policy. It’s both a blessing and a horrible, awful, no-good curse.
This is my jam right here.
Rob, you look great. Keep on keepin’ on.