
Destiny cheese. To much to mention, but mostly raid stuff. I am not one to wake up at 4 AM to buy Iron Banner gear while my rep from the last one is still intact.

This is a very, very good point.

You don’t have to relevel them. Once you “ascend” it, the stats just go up and your perks remain the same.

They never promised a raid, and any images of the “button” in the game itself that you saw, or the “Buy now” prompt in the game promising a raid, was datamined and never actually released to the public.

They say how you can get Etheric Light. They said it will come from drops in Nightfalls, Prison of Elders, Trials of Osiris, and Iron Banner.

You don’t know what aioli is? Is your favorite restaurant The Olive Garden?

I just replied to you but consider it redacted!

Intents and purposes.

Thanks for dropping some truth bombs.

Same here. Looks Halo-ish to me.

You can't?

You can't?

McHenry calling people uneducated is rich coming from someone who went to something called Stetson University. I looked it up. Their most notable alumn is Ray Finkle.

My good friend and procurer of herbal remedies is also a mortician. He actually embalmed my cousin last summer. He’s so casual about dead bodies and death that it can be disconcerting.

Working at what? They passed a minimum amount of legislation in the last session. They sure do work really hard at accomplishing nothing.

I can’t wait to hear all the ways EA is being “lazy” and all the things they’ll “promise” and go back on when the game comes out.

It sure as fuck isn’t hard!

What are your thoughts on ethics in gaming journalism?

They’re schedules are so tight, what with the 100-something days a year that they work and everything.

Yeah, well, that’s how I feel about baseball in general. Sometimes it’s October and I’m like “This shit’s still on?”

This is a good point that has gone unaddressed.