
Is Evolve worth it? I've really been wanting to play it and I'd be willing to plop down $40 for it. I know all about the DLC blah blah blah. Is it fun, though? Any thoughts?

Is Evolve worth it? I've really been wanting to play it and I'd be willing to plop down $40 for it. I know all

Yeah I put in 30 hours and I feel like I haven't done a thing. Then Destiny took over my life.

As he should.

Google the Stanwick family sometime. It's insane. I particularly like brothers Steele and Wells.

I'm new to Sony consoles, so this is great news. I haven't played a God of War game since the first one when my college roommate had a PS3.

That is correct. All the people on here commenting about it are really amusing me right now.

It stands for West Baltimore. Your whiteness is showing!

Your translation is off. Yeah, chingar means to fuck but "chingon" is an adjective that basically means fucking awesome. So it's "Fucking Awesome Chicken." I'd be really into the name, to be honest.

Raiders drafted Janikowski in the 1st. Also, the Eagles drafted Alex Henery in the 4th a few years ago.

Brian Hickey used to work for Deadspin and he got hit by a car. He still hates it when they do that. Anyway, a lot of that is Burneko's thing I feel like.

Another Hopkins man, eh?

Nice, dude. Do you also remember what it was like when lots of kids got polio? Fuck outta here, Father Time.

So I clicked on that thinking they were kettlebells because my mind is a bit foggy right now and then I realized I'm on my job network so that's a great thing to have in my browser history.

So I clicked on that thinking they were kettlebells because my mind is a bit foggy right now and then I realized I'm

I got a 5, sonnnn! History majors are the best!

I poured myself a bourbon when I heard about McCoy. Dig the handle, by the way.

I don't think Kelly will cut Polk. I'd wager it's more likely they keep four backs. Chip loves versatility. He kept four tight ends last year and he cut one a month ago. Opens up a space for another running back.

What Newspaperguy said. Also, Kelly favors a north-south runner like DeMarco. McCoy lead the league in rushing running out of that shotgun. It can work just fine.

Philly cheesesteaks are mad with whiz. Try again.

Pulled pork usually goes like this: put a dry rub (not too sweet!) maybe on a large piece of pig, then smoke that shit for a while until you can pull it apart. Then, you pull it apart and maaaaybe throw some sauce on that bitch. That's it.

Breaking News: baseball fucking sucks.