I don’t get it either. Lately the internet just seems to hate on Bioware for some reason. Honestly I really enjoyed DA:I, and probably dislike DA:O the most (it does NOT age well and was a buggy mess at times).
I don’t get it either. Lately the internet just seems to hate on Bioware for some reason. Honestly I really enjoyed DA:I, and probably dislike DA:O the most (it does NOT age well and was a buggy mess at times).
But in the end it wouldn’t matter.
*looks at Mass Effect Andromeda
I guarantee you the reason it took so long was that they were all made in one batch. This was a single-run item. They needed to wait until every possible was in before they could start manufacture.
You sure it’s free? We had to pay for the Moments of Triumph shirts.
Fell beasts are not dragons.
It’s free but you can feel free to send me $29.99! Or better yet, buy my book. It’s even cheaper.
I am the very model of a Pontius Pilate Salarian.
I’ll say it again. Its bonkers this isn’t on Kotakus top 10 Xbox1 games for forge mode alone.
I have a thousand hours in Destiny, and I am totally OK with this. Destiny was not Mass Effect. It’s not like my character made decisions that affected the story (what little story there was). I’m totally cool starting over in what I hope is a more story-driven, character-focused game!
wait til Warner Bros. get my angry letter about Mad Max
Only Imperial Stormtroopers are that precise.
I’m at the point now where I think we should tell any of these states that want to leave the Union to go ahead. We won’t put up a fuss--just take your ball and be your own independent nation. Then we can watch while they try to figure out how to operate without any of the literally billions of dollars they got from us…
So you’d think they’d learn...
Another point in favor for the “rushed to market even if it wasn’t ready”.
Knowing Square Enix, this won’t be out for atleast 5 years and shouldn’t have been announced this early. I hope I’m wrong.
Not even remotely a part of the scene for this or Overwatch, but this sure does look like an attempt to ride D.Va’s coat tails.
D.Va shits all over her. Not that she can help it. A steady diet of Doritos and Mountain Dew can’t be good for your digestive track.