
To be fair, Nintendo has kind of always been dicks and offer the least value

I think it’s gonna be offered free for a month and just like how you can only download PS+ January games only in January.

Everyone always says that Nintendo’s art style shines in spite of hardware limitations.

Still looks bad. Look at the wording:

Subscribers get to download and play A NES or SNES game for free for a month.

A. As in, A SINGLE ONE. Probably chosen by Nintendo, and rolled each month.

But you think you will give Titanfall 2 a chance, Heather?

Yeah, I made the decsion that Tali doesn’t exactly agree with in this situation first time on my playthrough, and then immeditely noped out and reloaded a previous save...


Well, the next Snacktaku should be interesting...

This is where the Xbox decision to allow for multiple external storage devices really comes in handy. Sure you can swap out a bigger drive in your PS4, but over the long haul it’s a hassle. When you fill the new drive you have to swap out an even bigger drive and over and over. With Xbox I can keep a bunch of games on

They are cancelling it but possibly for good reason. Look at Platinum’s history, it’s hardly spotless (Star Fox Zero and Star Fox Guard, TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan , The Legend of Korra and so on). The reports are showing that the engine being constructed by Platinum was under performing and they had blown past

He’s making a joke about how Jason is blamed for delaying a games.

Platinum has an A team and Z team, most of their “let’s shit this out to make money” is the Z team.

Dude come on. Halo 5 is great.

He’d probably still call them “Sandpeople.”

Trump: You know, Luke was a terrible Jedi. That’s true. He didn’t complete his training with Yoda and got his hand chopped off by his dad. Sad. I’d never get my hand chopped off, and that has nothing to do with the size of my hands. My hands are actually huge. They’re luxurious. They’re the best hands.

Based on some of the MMOs concept art, yeah I think we dodged a bullet with that project getting canned. Chicks in MJOLNIR with bare midriffs? That’s not exactly a good sign along with some of the weird enemy designs.

Because they aren’t playing it safe and might be seen as a stain on the franchise or too off beat to sell well.

Now playing

I only really care about this series he did: