
The ID engine is great, but it’s not designed for big open world RPG’s with tons of interactivity the way Bethesda games are setup. Sure there’s Rage 2 but I don’t think anyone would consider it comparable with Fallout or Skyrim in terms of sheer interactability or game design.

I feel like we’re in a weird era of Pixar where they’ve been incredibly hit or miss, with some of their best output in recent years being condemned to streaming only (Turning Red & Soul) and some of their bigger misses (Lightyear) getting sent out to die in theaters.

I’m curious what “Permanent Access” means. Will the story missions be free to try as a seasonal event, and then locked behind the paywall?

The BX Commando Droid pulls off the jackets nicely.

Looks much more in line with traditional Bethesda games, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I’m just curious how it’ll all come together with the new stuff they’re adding in.

Squeenix may as well be a Sony subsidiary cause like 75% of their games as Playstation exclusive.

I’m curious what market segment they’re targeting with this price point other than the usual Apple diehards.

I know people usually don’t want publishers interfering too much in game development. But MS desperately needs to start checking in on their studios and doing some actual QC because they’ve been letting their brand get tarnished giving the studios free reign.

I’m pretty sure Sony’s Remote Play app lets you stream to a mobile device or PC as well. So I’m not sure why this Project Q device seems somehow even more limiting.

I get the feeling like this isn’t the only new game series Bungie is working on. I find it hard to believe they’d devote so much time and energy to a game that’s only PvP. Wouldn’t be surprised if this is their stop gap for when they announce a new story driven PvE/PvP game in like 2-3 years.

Can you stream games from the cloud servers instead of a PS5 you actually have to own?

MGS Delta Snake Eater

I was excited until I found out this was an extraction shooter. I’ll reserve proper judgement until I see it in action, but it kinda sounds like Bungie just trying to cash in on a trend.

Unless there’s multiple nozzles for each condiment, what’s keeping sauces from getting cross contaminated and getting unintended mixings with each custom combo?

Unsurprising news, but at least they’re open about it.

FYI this link

I managed to snag a regular Pixel 7 a few weeks ago on sale for just$350, so I’m definitely glad I got to save some money instead of waiting for the 7a. That being said, I would have preferred the slightly smaller form factor of the 7a instead.

TBF, Kotaku has been letting weird errors get past editing consistently for a while now.

Yeah I have a hard time imagining MS would be the ones pushing Arkane to make a co-op vampire shooter, especially since it’s not in their wheelhouse and they have other studios more suited to something like that.

Font size is definitely an issue, but the font type itself is clearly supposed to be a throwback to the 80's dollar store horror novels typeface. See Stranger Things for an easy example.