
I haven’t gotten too far into Infinite yet, but from what I’ve played the two boss battles I got to telegraphed the unique abilities/tactics the bosses used as well as what armor abilities the player should use to counter.

I enjoy how the Exotic perk is basically a play on the old “Must have Gjally” LFG requirements.

I imagine the reason co-op being delayed as well is due to the complexities of the game being “open-ish world”. You can potentially have players on completely different ends of the map doing their own thing, interacting with enemies, vehicles and physics shenanigans. Whereas in the older linear Halo games, the game

It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if they kept adding new dungeons or enemy outposts to the overworld. There’s already been confirmed weapon variants to unlock and armor cores that correspond to multiplayer skins.

I remember watching footage of Battleborne and being unable to tell what was going on because the entire screen was just on constant bombardment of neon colors.

I think it’s a combination of the game being open world and actual missions being small “dungeon” style encounters that can be tackled out of order, as well as a troubled development.

I agree that people are weirdly eager to finish the battle pass after only 3 weeks have passed since the game launched.

I could definitely see Sony doing something with Home as part of their VR experience, but I doubt it’ll ever happen now.

Because a lot of them are publicly traded companies that need to launch a big AAA to meet quarterly financial projections so their investors remain happy.

It says a lot about how stingy Nintendo is that what would normally be run of the mill sales warrants a news article.

The Ravager is such hot garbage and I’ll never understand why 343 decided to nerf if from the beta. It looks and sounds so cool, but is so underwhelming to use. The fact that it has an area of denial secondary ability is useless as well since the napalm is spreads is also painfully weak.

It’s more of a middle ground since it can fire full auto, but doing so destroys your shot accuracy.

This honestly reads like an ad for the game. Nothing in this article explains why Elden Ring will reinvent the open world genre other than “it’s Dark Souls but bigger”.

It’s weird that they doubled the player count but then quadrupled the map size.

It honestly feels like Portal is the main game and the 2042 portion is just extras.

Wouldn’t be surprised if they just grabbed whatever old code they had laying around and it was the original.

I was wondering why the 2nd tier of difficulty was such a massive spike in challenge over the Recruit tier (which is essentially a cakewalk).

Terrible launches seem par for the course for Battlefield games.

Yeah I’m not a fan of it either, especially since the Shock Pistol seems rather underwhelming based on leaks. But I think maybe that’s the point? The vehicles in Infinite already take on damage way faster, and having an easily accessible gun that can insta-stun vehicles might be considered overpowered.