Well at least Nintendo has the technological knowhow to patch games online now, as opposed to Other M.
Well at least Nintendo has the technological knowhow to patch games online now, as opposed to Other M.
I would say for connectivity BF 2042 was way worse, even when compared to the very first Infinite test. About half my games in BF ended with the game crashing to desktop, or being disconnected. My experience with the beta was so negative that I ended up just downloading and replaying BF4 and BF5 instead.
I feel like Turtle Rock might be coming up on 2 for 2 in shooting themselves in the foot before their game launches.
It’s a shame Hyperscape died an early death because that game actually had some neat original ideas for the BR genre, now they’re replacing it with something that sounds incredibly generic.
While I had my fair bit of issues with the Test Flight, I do agree that this is probably the strongest environmental sandbox in a Halo game since 3/Reach.
My biggest issue with FC5 wasn’t even the ending, but that the main villain just wasn’t charismatic or memorable at all.
I feel so dumb for buying Squadrons, not because it was a bad game but because the month afterwards Gamepass announced their EA Play partnership and Squadrons was one of the first games offered in the service.
I’m so confused by why they went all in on a looter shooter but decided against making it a live service game. Supposedly there’s DLC coming... eventually.
While I remain skeptical with how successful Netflix’s foray into game publishing and streaming will be, I do feel like a narrative adventure game is a good fit for the platform. Especially seeing their experiment with the interactive Black Mirror game.
I guess? Kind of weird since the first game launched on Windows, Xbox and Mac first, with the PS4 and Switch releases coming later.
I’ve actually been pretty interested in the campaign for this game since I’d heard it actually tells a decent story.
I mean, I would totally watch a Witcher spin off where all the characters and monsters were puppets.
Why does an animated Mario movie even need big name stars voicing its characters?
It’s funny, because if you dive into the Subreddit or Forums you’ll see tons of discussion about how aiming (and by extension the aim assist) feels awful on controller.
Even hotter take; the Gamecube controller is also awful, and that’s coming from someone who sunk thousands of hours in his GC.
all buttons easily accessible
I remember a couple of 2D sidescrolling games used it instead of the analog stick.
I wouldn’t really consider Quiet tasteful eye candy, considering there’s a cutscene where she gets sexually assaulted.
It’s honestly incredible that a developer with as storied a history as Blizzard is now going down in flames. But I guess like many companies it was doomed to be a self inflicted wound.
Despite my misgivings about Quantic Dream, a Telltale style game set in the Star Wars universe could be promising.