You can (apparently) run into issues with swapping the internal cables for a PSU, so your mobo, GPU cables.
You can (apparently) run into issues with swapping the internal cables for a PSU, so your mobo, GPU cables.
No, I’m talking the internal cables, so stuff for your mobo, GPU, ect.
I still find it really weird they have both Legion and Valhalla releasing weeks apart.
Do not try this with PC power supplies though, you should never mix and match cables for a PC, not even for PSU’s from the same brand.
There’s unconfirmed rumors that Halo 5 was originally supposed to have a non-linear campaign, where the weird noncombat levels in the final game serving as hub world where you could pick which mission each fireteam went on.
I like the campaign in 5 since I think the actual missions were well designed (some really great level design overall) but the actual story was hot garbage and way too far its own ass in terms of lore.
I feel like this is what happens when a publisher tries to throw together a studio to manage an IP rather than hiring a team that’s grown organically over the years.
I can only imagine how poorly this game must run on the base XB1 and PS4.
The entire Hive storyline is just a sage of people breaking into a man’s home, murdering him, the breaking in again during the wake to steal his ashes so they can break into his father’s home to murder the rest of his family.
I’ve said it before, but Bungie should really just release a standalone download of just the original campaign missions with the fat trimmed away, no strikes or full patrol zones.
It’s a damn shame Oculus decided to sell to Facebook, because while I was considering buying a Quest 2, I have no desire to give FB any money.
Didn’t play it so I don’t really have any opinion on it.
I’m not really a fan of putting recognizable celebrities into videogames with their own likeness.
Sucks that management is now mandating things be set up in Slideshow format to drive clicks.
Why just EA though, or is this really just about people circlejerk hating on EA?
I think it’s just because 343 has their hands full with Halo Infinite right now, and the support studios are probably working on other stuff as well.
I mean given how barren system launch line ups usually are, it’s nice that this generation of machines offer a much wider array of backwards compatible titles as well as free “lite-remasters”.
I primarily play multiplayer games so the services were a no brainer for me.
Honestly given the types of games I play, it’s hard to imagine owning one of these consoles and not paying for Gold or PS Plus.