
I think one of the more weird about the episode (frankly, I don't know if anyone else brought it up) is that while the kids at the school are incredibly cool about JJ's disability and including him in things - to the point of shouting "Hey JJ/Hey JJ…" when all he was doing was moving his wheelchair around on the dance

Yeah, I get it; not trying to overly complicate, I guess. Just wondering if anyone recalled how long supposedly lapsed between "onset of plague" and the "now" of the show. If a few months or a year or two, it's not a big deal.

Unlikely because as far as the drone ever got (I guess) was the Malibu house; the explosion happened further north (San Fran area?) and waaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy after the drone was shot out of the sky by Melissa. Right?

But I think he once removed them, only to be told to put them back on so the others could tell his mood/emotions? But yeah…the second time or whatever mighta been Super glue…

Also - to things:

If there's some other purpose behind it - to make Tandy more (still?) absurd? - do they really need to put an exclamation mark on it? Or maybe the implication is Tandy has kept shaving them/using the fakes for some reason.

Why the hell does Tandy still have fake eyebrows? Todd shaved his in support of Tandy, as I remember, and his have CLEARLY grown back already, right? I think at this point, it's just an extra layer of needless absurdity, but what do I know?

I just want to know - is "Glint Corporation" a reference to Strangers with Candy or what?

I have for years told anyone who cares about music the Pretenders generally were a much, much underrated band. I knew there was some death and tragedy in there, but failed to appreciate its breadth and width.

That's nuts. Just yesterday, my mom told me they had similar calls (in Kentucky), except the bit was that they were coming to present my parents with a $2.5 million check, and "all you need to do is have a check for the taxes all made out." Strangely, when my Dad, kind of playing along, tried to end the call, the

See also: "Lyle the Effeminate Heterosexual" from Dana Carvey's early 1990s SNL career.

Yeah…what's more: when Chip finds out Christine sent Penelope away, what will his reaction be? (And how will he find out: I predict Christine will tell him, thinking he will see it was "in his best interests/an act of love"). You know Chip won't see it that way and his reaction won't be good…and he's going to say or

I wonder if they're saving that explanation, of a sort, as part of some future exposition of Martha's backstory: basically Martha's dogged pursuit of "living life as best she can/knows how" despite all that's happened to her - I'm guessing at least one failed marriage, and the broken arm/hand from trying to do

Agree that the late Marquess' trips to Tangiers and Bertie's description of him made me picture him in shades of "Suddenly Last Summer." Also a bit of Wilhelm von Gloeden and the like.
Agree with others that Mary just S U C K E D for torpedoing Edith's chance at happiness just because she could. Edith is not

Damon's uncharacteristic (for the time) habit of cutting to the verbal chase each time he made it to the farmhouse door was a great little touch.

You gotta love that classic Pyramid theme song…very 70s "game show-ish" in a great way.

Played by Sorrell "Boss Hogg" Booke!!

After releasing Helga's face, Floki returns to his work on his various ladders, catwalks, and towers, he looks up, and does this crazy, over-dramatic arm thing that couldn't help but remind me of Norma Desmond at the end of "Sunset Boulevard."…

Rev. Lovejoy as "Asphodel" - reminded me that I could swear that at one time, I came across a reference to there being an old-school (pre-1900?) horse farm around Lexington, KY that was called "Asphodel." When I tried Google to confirm, I saw references not to a farm, but apparently was also a horse (and another

I heard K. Schaal in a radio interview, when she was asked about the "bodies." She replied that "an early script" included "a body," but Fox came back and said "uh, no bodies, please." So I guess the idea is that everyone died - and the bodies "just went away." I'll suspend my sense of disbelief and just roll with it…