
Two quotes come to mind; both involve Homer:

I am reminded of a quote from a professor in my small-town Kentucky community college years ago. Speaking of his hometown, he described it as the kind of place where "…you don't mess with a man's dog or his wife, and in THAT order."

I haven't yet seen last night's shows (and I regularly read these reviews, spoilers be damned), but just had to comment Will's defense of a-ha.

I did a Google search because nothing rang a bell: sounds like you're talking about a show called "Where's Huddles?" which ran before I was consciously watching TV, in 1970-71 as a "summer replacement show" (for the GLEN CAMPBELL show!!) on CBS.

I watched an episode online in the last few months. It doesn't hold up. LOL

I have a vague memory as a 10 (or 9) year old watching this, either originally in '77 or maybe the next year if it was ever re-broadcast. In my mind, I always remember this and another early animated show, "Wait til Your Father Gets Home," in tandem. The latter show had, btw, a great opening theme song that's worth,

Never knew Bob was a Donna Summer fan. Great use of Teddy, tho. And Regular-Sized Rudy!

I have long felt that this album will, like the Beastie's "Paul's Boutique," be one of those "overlooked-at-the-time/hailed-as-visionary-later" moments from the early 2000s. I was hoping Jack White would do for "Lorettie" what Rick Rubin did for Johnny Cash. That hope was, however, dashed upon the shores of

He had a giant, oversized hat. *chews gum like a boss It funny, because, uh, it's way too big.

My favorite story about her (and her "take-this-job-and-shove-it" attitude in her adult life) was that, as she told MGM she filing for divorce from John Agar, they implored her to wait (or not to do so at all), as she'd just been voted "Mother of the Year" by some national magazine or other. "At least I wasn't voted

Not sure if others made this suggestion or not (I looked, couldn't tell), but isn't "the date four days after Washington died" (December 18, I think?) the day that Washington was BURIED per his instructions to his family (a stipulation he made out of a 18th century fear of being buried while in a coma/actually still

Personally, my favorite scene, in a movie FILLED with great scenes and quotable quotes, is the scene where Lloyd comes to the Court home for dinner and is asked by Diane's father what he "wants to do in the future."… Awesome.

Curious about Ben and Leslie's choice of cafe's in Paris, I saw from the sign over their heads they were near the Place Colette. Doing a littler searching on Google Maps Streetview, I figured out they were at a cafe called Le Nemours, which not only got a nod from P&R, but from everyone's favorite Europhile, Rick

I agree with you and others that it sucks he didn't talk about Hiding Out, a movie about which I have good memories for some reason.

Hell yes. 
What else would Tina do?

Hell yes. 
What else would Tina do?

If she had her dress down while getting (and showing off to US) her "stamp," wasn't she effectively showing her (admittedly, FLAT) tits to the big storefront window behind her?

If she had her dress down while getting (and showing off to US) her "stamp," wasn't she effectively showing her (admittedly, FLAT) tits to the big storefront window behind her?

Yes, I'm glad in 2012, he's still getting a check.