
I think it's probably going to be complicated. Budget figures into it, but you've also got lack of knowledge and experience (trying to replicate the practical effects work from The Thing now, for example, using the same techniques would be a very tall order) and the politics of deals between major film studios and CGI

Is that what he calls it these days.


The novel is pretty damn great. Highly recommended.

Editing something well is nightmare fuel.

He's one of the finest actors around. Top 10 for me, easily.

It's got excellent moments, and a good to great episode at least once a season, that's about it. For every good thing they do, there's a litany of jaw-droppingly terrible decisions that no other show would get away with. But because The Walking Dead is a ratings/media juggernaut, no one stops the fools in the creative

Sophia's been in the trailer the entire time.

No one deserves that.

We try not to.


I've seen it and yeah, it's not great but it's not in the worst film ever category either. It's very earnest — maybe overly so — and has way more ambition than the skill necessary to pull it off, but I admired the effort.

You voted Bush in twice. Nothing is off the table.


If anyone has some free time spare I recommend seeking out the script for Quiz Show. It's a great read and an absolutely stellar (near perfect, perhaps) example of how a script should be done.

Sounds like some minor deity from Lovecraft.

Shaggy looks like Lurch. That is all.

Battle Royale with every cinematic Final Girl ever. Sydney from Scream (could probably throw in Gale as a bonus), Laurie from Halloween, Ripley from Alien, Julie from I Know What You Did Last Summer, Erin from You're Next.

Weird Boners.

I like you.