

I only watched about half of The Flash season 2 and quickly bailed. That was depressing, especially considering how impressed I was with season 1. I honestly thought they would work on the problems of season 1, not double down on them. Sigh.

"Seeing young female characters make healthy relationship choices is something of a novelty on screen…"

Annabelle was offensively boring, which is some order of magnitude worse than simply being inept. And it's treatment of the stellar Alfre Woodard was criminal.

I read that as a police brutality movie starring Vincent Van Gogh and Mel Gibson. I need more sleep, ho-boy. (mind you, I'd totally watch that movie)


She gave an all-timer of a performance in Mulholland Drive, in a role most actors can only dream about so she can get away with it I reckon.

TV people are hired based on looks, the whims of focus groups and what will create fan bases. This is part of the reason why Stranger Things did so well, the kids looked like actual kids, not 'TV kids.'


Hell yes to a MOVIE BITCHES plug, Andrew and Avaryl are fantastic and know their stuff. Avaryl has a million and one references going, great great show.

Sad but true.

Worse than Heroes Season 2?

The amount of times that Pearl should have gone home was crazy.

Jane Levy is amazing.

I thought you wrote 'cultural gash' there. I was verklempt.

Caught this movie recently, and after the incredible reviews and buzz I was a little disappointed. Don't get me wrong, it's a good film, but it just didn't completely win me over. Patrick Stewart is everything though, brave choice for him and such an understated performance.

The final scene with him is terrific, when he turned his back on them and started walking. Great stuff.

Completely agreed. INFINITE was enjoyable but ultimately, didn't amount to very much at all. Some of those early interviews and think-pieces around release were pretty obnoxiously overblown stuff.

Case in point, Fallout 4.

Pretty much perfect. Congratulations to all involved.