
Thank you so much for replying, I'll give it a whirl! Been meaning to for a long time now.

I have never seen a single episode of Survivor, would you say this is a good season to try and start with?

I thought he was going to be a cosplayer before I scrolled down.

Sleepy Hollow joins Heroes with that dubious honor.

The Wolverp33n.


Exactly. It stretched the audience's goodwill towards the show to breaking point — and deservedly so. It's nowhere near as galling/insulting as the Lucille fakeout, but pretty bad.

It's legitimately one of the worst creative decisions I've seen for a major TV show (or any other, frankly.) The nonsense with Glen's fake-out death before was one thing, but this was on a whole other level. The last time I saw something this terrible was The Killing's remarkably bad idea not to reveal the killer at

Not just an excellent writer, but a very accomplished director. Some of the early set pieces were really well shot. (The decision to spend half of Season 2 over the mystery with Carol's daughter was a legitimately terrible idea though, and really did the show no favors. The twist was solid but it should have been over

Assface to Assface: Preacher'd Hard

Fear The Walking Bread: Yeast Control


Actually, I don't. Season 2 had some truly outstanding moments (Monster, Mikado, A Room With No View) but undoes all of it entirely with a rushed virus story and the insane decision to kill Catherine Black and Lara Means (one of Kristen Cloke's best roles). Without the backbone of Frank's marriage/relationship with

Morgan and Wong drove Millennium into the ground, so they're far from infallible.

What was the tweet?

Just commenting to say the same about the flashlight sequence. Ash Vs. Evil Dead isn't known for subtlety but that one sequence slowed the madness right down and actually showed a masterful use of sound and light that would put most horror films to shame. This show is fantastic.

"…fan-fiction ate the original show."

The world-building in Sunless Sea is genuinely sublime. My hope is that the game was a success and Failbetter Games can go on to expand and develop it further in more games. That is related to what was one of my biggest complaints with Sunless Sea: I loved the world so much that those tiny glimpses of story half

That was outstanding.

Thank you! I'm glad other people are as fed up with the burning garbage cesspit that is the AoS talkback as I am.