
"Only the tip."

Just finished the binge. What a show! I have many feelings. In terms of quality, I think I like it about just the same as Daredevil. It's more consistent than DD and has a better cast of supporting characters — I love Jeri and Trish is the best. The Kilgrave storyline worked very well as a season long villain (thought

You're the best.

Is that the name of Bryan Singer's biopic?

Oculus is pretty much the definition of a middling film.

Safe Haven was incredible. Absolutely blew my mind.

Audition is the best 'blind' film to show friends, ever. So much fun.

M. Night has some genuinely good stuff under his belt. Does Kring have anything? You could say Heroes season 1 but I think the quality of that was mostly down to Fuller.

Is anyone honestly surprised by the poor quality of Heroes Reborn? They took the person in charge of Heroes and gave him a second shot and frankly, considering just how abysmal Heroes became after the first season that is madness of the highest order.

Sarah Paulson impresses me more with each and every season. She has this uncanny ability to just find the essentials of every character and perform the role to utter perfection.

Yes, this. I need a scene of Sharon Stone, Kathy Bates and Angela Bassett just throwing sass and one-liners and basically acting the stuffing out of this show.

I'm picturing a giant mite dressed up as the Batman and it's scaring the hell out of me.

Bagul, is that you?

Honestly, the more I think about it the more unforgivable it becomes. Woodard is one of the best actors out there right now and to waste her like that is just sickening.

I reckon that was the film's best scene. The glimpses of the demon-thing was genuinely effective.

I'm fairly ambivalent about this. Annabelle was okay-ish, it had some interesting moments and the scares were fairly well constructed but the leads were completely dull, nothing in it surprised and the whole black character randomly sacrifices herself for white leads was beyond terrible.

Right there with you, bud. Mimic is such an odd film. I'd never call it great but despite all the shortcomings (and there's many) it's ridiculously charming.

"Doesn't mean you [can't] eat white nerds."

You can have atmospheric and scary films that aren't about killing and gore.
