
Absolutely. And it's a simple concept that most modern horror films seem to eschew for entire rosters of unlikable and nasty characters. It's pretty cowardly.

Captain Beefheart. I just can't with his music, at all.

I'll forgive Scream Queens for everything if Winona Rider ends up being the killer. A secret pledge girl from the 90s that never left the house.

I still believe that the Scream formula can work for TV but you need some tremendous quality writing and real chutzpah to make it work. MTV's Scream and Scream Queens has neither.

Scream Queens gets so much better when it just stops messing about and attempts to go full Airplane!

"Piggie Piggie Piggie can't you see

No Poltergeist: The Legacy?

Wow, that is a burn for the ages.

And nothing for Hannibal, again. Ugh.

I will always go to bat for Suspiria. If nothing else, it's an absolute masterclass in the use of color. It is drenched in vivid gaudy color, something that most modern horror eschews for basic (and I mean that in all senses) tints of blue and green. Catch it if you can!

I think that the biggest problem with MTV's Scream is that it simply didn't commit to being a slasher. The finale should have been 40 odd minutes of chaos, carnage and slaughter. It's been a slow season, it ought to have been building up to a blood bath, and we got one decent kill (the sheriff) and two lame ones; half

The Wrath of The Lamb is a strange and bloody finale in the way that only Hannibal seems able to create. It stayed true to the bold and surprisingly romantic nature of season 3, an experiment in lush visuals and dark fairy tale theatrics that put the love story between Hannibal and Will in a much sharper focus than

"…an afterthought in Will and Hannibal's love story."


I liked the film but I loved Winstead's character. She was absolutely badass.

Pfft, Daryl Dixon fans are nothing compared to Eric The Viking fans from True Blood. Now that's a bloodthirsty lot.

You can't quit the internet!

The Bell Jar got nothing on this.

Not as badly as some other websites have been handling this story, at least here the audiobook info is actually part of the headline.

Farrell was MVP of the second season, no doubt.