
I guess, for most MCs, being in a collective of individual artists with mutual feature appearances is the perfect combination of artistic freedom and collaboration. That makes sense.
Still, I wouldn't mind a true full length Black Hippy album.

I agree, though for someone who loves rap groups, The Roots are a good substitute. After all, when was the last Roots album without mutliple verses by Dice Raw and Greg Porn?

A somewhat (un)related question: What happened to Rap groups?

That's really a great idea! There could be millions of Romulan refugees stranded in the Neutral Zone and Hardliner-Starfleet-Admiral-of-the-week(TM) arguing, that giving them shelter would pose a security risk. I'd take some topical political commentary with my Star Trek.

There are a few videos on YouTube of Germans trying to say "squirrel". They either pronounce the consonants the German way, "skwir-rel", with a hard, flat r and l. Or they try to pronounce it the American way, which results in "sk[growling dog noises]".

There just has to be a Squirrel Girl movie one day, just so I can hear my fellow Germans fail to pronounce the movie's name.

I remember a birthday party that year the show's finale had aired on German TV. Most of the guests had gone to a club, and the rest of us were sitting on a balcony on a warm summer night, having a nice conversation. And then the host's playlist played Breathe Me. Someone just said "Six Feet Under". Everyone nodded,

Mr. Robot's "asodifuhasiofh" moment made me jump, too. And then I laughed harder than I laughed about anything on this show, because I got fucking freaked out by intense typing.

Would it be considered pedantry to point out it was Q-Tip, who left his wallet there?

She's certainly one of the main reasons, why the first movie is the most enjoyable for me. Her character humanizes Bourne and makes him more relatable. Once she was gone* and Bourne learned more about his true self, he became Mr. Efficient-Agent-Robot, who is frankly just not that interesting.

Man, I hope this "stronger romance than Twilight" thing catches on and becomes a meme!

Oy with the poodles already!

Of course. He's practically the Barry White of painting.

"Ducks always envy the swans,
who get Gustaf and Valter and Franz."

Ha, I could have been that guy. I was completely lost as to what was happening in that movie several times, and not in a good Lynchian kind of way.

Meanwhile, I've been listening to Corinne Bailey Rae's new album "The Heart Speaks in Whispers" practically non-stop for the last few days. So good!
Her last album "The Sea" is one of my favourite Soul records of the last decade, and the new one, while maybe not quite as strong, was still absolutely worth the wait.

What would've been your solution? Creatively writing the character off the show between seasons? "Capheus died on his way back to his home planet"?

"Don't read the comments, if you don't want to be spoiled" was a stupid advice, when it was the unsullied watchers being spoiled by careless book readers, and the same is true now. I want to engage with the material, so I read stuff.

That's a good point. It's true, there are those book fans, that will always blame D&D, no matter what they do. I'm just concerned, what this means for the rest of the show. Will they do this now for every major plot point?

I didn't watch it. It's in the review. It's in the comments. Once the information is out, it's out.