
I also never cared much about Paramore before, but "Hard Times" is easily my favourite pop song of the year so far. It's so damn catchy, and manages to cram quite a lot of musical ideas into 3 minutes. The video is awesome, too.

Wait, was that English singer Kate Nash playing one of the background wrestling ladies? How random.

It's in the FRACKIN' ship!

That's true, but Lara Croft was never a very moral person in the first place. It's the age of anti-heroes, after all.

I wish they wouldn't have gone the Alicia Vikander-as-Reboot-Young-Adult-Lara Croft route, but rather the Hayley Atwell-as-Original-Badass-Lara Croft route.

Then let me join the nitpicking, so you won't feel alone:
"…changed its name to Pilsner Urquell (Czech for “The Original Pilsner”)"
Sorry, but that's neither Czech nor the correct translation. Urquell is German for "Original Source" or "Ancient Spring".

It was mostly organized by German late night show Neo Magazin Royale, which is about the best thing on German TV right now (although that's sadly faint praise).

Nah, "A Song of Ice and Fire" is iambic and therefore sounds more Shakespearean.

That higher budget on Agent Carter must have been completely depleted, though, when they filmed the season 2 finale. Cause that was some really goofy looking shit.

Because there is a natural order to this world, according to movies:
Do not second-guess the rules.

Germans are only good for playing Nazis. Good Germans must be played by British or Irish actors, otherwise how would the audience know that they're good?

There's a pretty good German film about them, called "Sophie Scholl - The Final Days". It's equally harrowing and inspiring.

It weirdly reminded me of the cave rave from Matrix Reloaded.

There's a fantastic German version of that song ("Paff, der Zauberdrachen") sung by Marlene Dietrich, which is just devastating (if you under German, anyway). In that version, Puff locked himself in the cave and never ever came out again.

But isn't that exactly what Whedon did?

Ugh, I can't stand Veronica Ferres. From the roster of great German actresses, Werner Herzog had to pick her?

I remember a quaint old time, when I had a bet running with a friend, which would release first: Half Life 2: Episode 3 (as it was called back then) or A Dance with Dragons. My money was on the book, and now it would still be on Winds of Winter.

After Let Me In and Carrie I'm sensing a pattern here.

Written by George R.R. Martin

Oh my god, you're right. It's back to Hip Hop school for me!