
Well, GRRM's certainly not without fault. But I don't think, he forced D&D to babble about future book material in some auxiliary segments. He could easily spoil the show, yet he doesn't. Seems fair to me, if D&D could return that favour.

I didn't spoil anything for the TV watchers, nor did most of the other readers. How is that karma? Two wrongs now make a right?

No? Yes? Who? What?

D&D have changed so much from the books, that it's almost impossible to really know, what will or will not happen in the final two books, just by watching the show. Do you really think, that Brienne will kill Stannis in the books? I doubt it.

It's not splitting hairs, because it still leaves something to discover for book readers, even if it's just discovering, which parts of the story came from D&D's minds, and which ones from GRRM's mind.

Just to clear this up: My beef isn't with them finishing the story or depicting stuff that eventually might happen in the books. My problem is, that they confirmed it WILL happen in the books in the "Inside the Episode" segment. That's what makes it a spoiler, and there's no need for that.

Wouldn't be the first time they came up with an exciting setpiece on their own (i.e: Hardhome). I'd prefer the uncertainty of not knowing.

Damnit, D&D! Even when they manage to finally deliver an absolutely great episode of Game of Thrones this season, they still have to fuck things up by spoiling the books for no apparent reason.

It’s easy to imagine the different cultural mentality that existed in
postwar Europe, where stability didn’t carry the same suffocating sense
of repression as it did for the American counterculture.

Haha, I haven't seen the show for the last 3 years, but I'm still gonna make a funny remark about how god-awful it is. Next up: George R.R. Martin is lazy and fat! I'm so snarky!

If the show ends in the next two years, which seems likely, they could just end it with Daisy in a Quinjet en route to the moon, following her destiny or some mysterious signal or somesuch. Then, if Marvel ever produces that Inhumans movie, she could just be a secondary character in Attilan, without much explanation

I'd be disappointed if there's not a reference to Jessica Jones, Daredevil, or Nick Cage somewhere.

Now that sounds like a good plan.

Don't you waste this wonderful actress in a thankless girlfriend role! You hear me, Marvel?

I actually liked, that the conflict was mostly about the UN ordering the Avengers to not do something. A nefarious organisation using the Avengers for some questionable deeds would've practically given the audience a definitive answer, which side was right. But international oversight, even at the cost of the

Thank you! Looking for this in the comments was the only reason, why I clicked this article.

Yeah, but that was 13 years ago, when all that potential greatness hadn't been squandered yet. It makes me actually kinda sad.

I agree. The way they changed this thing that hasn't been done for a thousand years (in the books) into a common law, tells me, that this Kingsmoot won't be anything more than a plot starter. I wouldn't expect anything grandiose.

Yes! It all really feels like "paint by numbers" storytelling to me.

I'd rather they would make a good movie out of the classic non-grounded ass-kicking-and-name-taking Lara Croft, preferably with Hayley Atwell in the role. Oh well…