
The real problem with #3 is, that Jorah didn't say: "Not idly do the rings of Valyria fall."

If TV taught me anything, it's that in Florida sooner or later you will be nagged be the ghosts of dead relatives.

He's too street!

The Avengers films weren't stopped by terrible reviews, because those were the minority, unlike the current BvS reviews. (Unless you speak of the British Avengers movie with Uma Thurman.)

That can't be Phife, he woulda said, he owns the Knicks or something.

I hope, she also has a cameo in Independence Day 2, screaming: "Why did you leave me, daddy? And who's that other chick?"

I prefer Gary Oldman.

I'm not really complaining about the existence of the violent characters. That would obviously be all kinds of silly on a show like this. And I like Matt and Frank and Elektra as interesting characters. Very much so. I just don't find them very likable as (fictional) persons. This show would be almost unbearable

For me, too. I'm surprised by all that Karen and Foggy hate.
In terms of other protagonists this season, we got a bunch of psychotic violence junkies, the main one of those being a self-important prick with a martyr complex, who constantly keeps his friends hanging in all situations that don't require kickpunching. But

I also re-watched the first season recently, and it held up much better than Jessica Jones the second time around, which suffers from outright atrocious plotting.

That was my first thought, too, although somehow Tom Lehrer managed to never come across as smug as Minchin, despite them being so similar in many regards.

To me, she'll always be the girl, who did the Hoboken Squat Cobbler on United States of Tara.

I think, my favourite Roots albums are Phrenology and The Tipping Point. Especially Phrenology!
I find it kind of strange, that Vago called the album that had "The Seed" and "Break You Off" their least accessible. Even the first half of the really weird "Water" is a perfectly fine pop song.

The only thing missing from that dream sequence was a special guest appearance by Chris Evans. "About that dance I promised…"

"Giesebrecht Anti-Monitor", what a beautiful name!

Is the song also stuck in your heart, stuck in your body body?

It's probably the album I listened to the most in the last year. The really amazing thing is, I can even just listen to it, without doing anything else. I like pop music alright as accompaniment during everyday tasks, but most of it doesn't have the substance to hold my interest by itself.

I was watching Todd in the Shadows' Top Ten Hit Songs of 2015 a few days ago, where he said, that this song wasn't eligible, but it might be one of the best songs he ever heard. And I was like: "WTF, not eligible?"
Until I looked it up. I can't believe this didn't even crack the Top 40.

With GRRM, it's probably more like 'Maybe Tyrion gets a DOS PC'.

#teamMel, always and forever!
As I wrote somewhere else recently, when I need something to cheer me up, I rewatch the famous ponytail yank scene on YouTube. I don't even know why it makes me so happy.