
Oh, absolutely! But that was basically a happy accident, that arose from a too short running time and Sherman-Palladino's willingness to try out new things. What I'm trying to say is, the process of finding itself is exactly what created those special moments.

I think, the more experimental nature of the show was actually one of its strengths. You could see the show evolve from episode to episode. If the show had early on committed itself to what it is and isn't, we might have never gotten the Constantinople dance.

It might also be the most danceable song in the history of the universe.

Sure. And the 60s series was itself inspired by good ol' Nazi-era movie "Die Feuerzangenbowle". It's basically a German movie tradition.

They were a series, and there are 7 of them, all of which have the same basic premise: Students playing increasingly cruel jokes on conservative teachers (it was the late 60s, after all). It would be perfect for Run The Series.

Pretty please!
Now and then I re-watch the scene of Melanie going Hulk on YouTube, just because it makes me happy.

I wonder, which Mount Olympus they mean, the mythical one or the actual one? Could someone tell me?

You're correct. Which goes to show the power of successful straw man arguments, because that's so beside the initial point!

In short: The US is a much more diverse country than China. That there's a representation problem in American (as well as European) film/TV is a statistical certainty. It's been proven time and time again, that representational imbalances like that usually don't change without some sort of affirmative action. The rest

Is this the official Hayley Atwell Appreciation Thread? Cause I saw her just yesterday in an episode of Black Mirror, and boy, was she great there. Would she give such a performance in an Oscar-baity drama, she'd be a serious contender for an Acadamy Award.

I don't think the issue is Zoe Saldana playing a green alien. The problem is, that there are so few opportunities for actresses of color to play actual women of (non-blue/green) color, especially in heroic roles. But that's honestly not a problem specific to the MCU, but to all of Hollywood.

At least it's not as cloying a name as Lily-Rose Melody Depp.

I never understood, what's the problem with these repeated phrases (apart from a few to many "nipples on a breastplate"). It's always been part of the series. The Starks like to tell everyone and their dog that Winter is Coming.
You pretend like these repetitions are a sign, that GRRM's unimaginative or that he got

Why do you read something several times, that you don't enjoy?

Well I do find the books more complex than the show. And I like them more for exactly that reason.

It's not about "not reading", it's about the different styles of intentionally contemplative literature vs. fast plotted TV. Both have their merits. There was no judgement meant. (And btw., you've been so fucking condescending in every single post, that you should be the last person to complain. Jeez!)

Here's a few things the books do better: Character motivations, character complexity, world building, politics, history, scene setting, inner story logic.

The name "Takeshi Kovacs" sounds intriguing. A Japanese first name with a Hungarian(?) last name. I've always felt, that in depictions of the far future, almost all characters should be played by actors of mixed race, yet they rarely are.

Wonder Woman beating up Germans? Oh ja!

You can't take the easy way of pointing at one group and say they are evil and bad