
Seems to me, that the sole motivation for the change to World War 1 was "Captain America already did WW2". Switching the number behind the war seems to be the only change, though. Otherwise it looks like the same story: Wonder Woman beating up those evil Germans! The problem is, the good guys/bad guys dichotomy

That might be one of the greatest character names in the history of last year.

Maybe they could get Lexi Alexander as a director for the show.

Right? Like, is it too obvious to even require mentioning, or why is nobody talking about, how the first half of this trailer is basically a 1:1 copy of the Lost season 2 opener?

As a child (in Germany, where the show was indeed very popular) I was convinced, that the guy playing Sledge Hammer on TV and the guy singing "Sledge Hammer" on MTV were one and the same person. And even now, I feel like there must be some kind of connection, like, maybe they did cast Peter Gabriel lookalike Rasche on

Do they have to punch numbers into an old-timey computer every 108 minutes?

Are you saying, he's Martin's non-union, Mexican equivalent?

I will crush that Skywalker!
And then another Skywalker!
And all the Skywalkers!
Till I'm The Slywaaaalkeeeer!

You didn't catch the "model" part in "model-actress Kelly Rohrbach", did you?

From a storytelling standpoint, of course…

Thank God, we craven Europeans have you stalwart Americans, to scare off the monsters!

Shit, there need to be self-help groups for this game!

Damn, I wanna work at a place with a pinball machine! Oh wait… I forgot… I'm self-employed. *looks up pinball machine prices on ebay* Holy crap! Maybe a foosball table instead?

"I'm sure one of these days I'm going to wake up in the morning and have something other than a video game about magic gay teenagers solving mysteries in Oregon be literally the first thing I think about, but it wasn't today, I can tell you that."

Right? Playing the good decks everyone else plays almost feels like cheating. I sometimes come across a really weird deck on the internet and copy it. But never the top-tier decks. The game really doesn't need another player to bore up the place.

Sure, France didn't suddenly appear on the map in 1958. But neither did the states/colonies in 1776. History is always a continuation of what came before. It just sounds silly to me, that a country, which hasn't changed its basic rules all that much for over 200 years, is still considered "young".

That's just how Germans look at people. And I'm being serious here. We really are a people of gazers.

It of course depends somewhat, how you define it. But yes, most countries in Europe and Asia have changed their form of government at least once, often many times, in those 230+ years. France for example went through five different republics in that time. Germany exists in its current form only since 1949 (or even

What are you talking about? The USA are among the oldest continuing states in the world. If anything, its political system/institutions are getting a bit long in the tooth, compared to younger democracies.
As always, the only thing more annoying than Americans' believe in exceptionalism is British superiority wankery.

Thanks for reminding me, that I really need to check out This War of Mine. I heard nothing but good things about it.