
I liked Life is Strange a lot, because sometimes I like to be emotionally manipulated. And I mean that in a good way. From the very first moment, when Max wanders the halls of her school with wistful indie music in her ears, to the countless heartbreaking moments, everything in the game is calibrated for the player to

But there were two endings! A sad one, and a devastating one. How could anyone not be satisfied by that?

I'm kind of disappointed "Life is Strange" didn't make it on the Best Game list. Maybe it's not the best in terms of game mechanics, but anything that can leave me in a melancholy mood for days, after binging through it in one weekend, deserves some recognition.

So let's start marketing this stuff! Is there an actual hair colour "L'oréal Sapphic Blue" or something like that? If not, there should be.

If pop culture in recent years taught me anything, it's that in a lesbian couple one partner always has blue hair.

This sums up so well, how I feel about Jessica Jones, that I would upvote twice, if I could. The assets of this show - the actors and main characters, the noir setting, the willingness to thoroughly examine the topic of abuse, the female perspectives - are so strong, that a bunch of better writers could have made it

The best scene of 2015 is the entirety of "Victoria".

Which explains the movie's title.

Especially "Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time"! I never understood why people hate this odd thing, with its synth bleep-bloops and all. It's almost Lynchian in its weirdness.

I hope, you also spent some time looking up Minnie Riperton songs. 'Cause Minnie Riperton is awesome.

I would like the song even more without the excessive jingle bells throughout the track, but other than that it's almost a perfect pop song, the way Motown used to produce them back in the day.

Bad wigs just look like terrible (natural) hairdos to me, which is something that a lot of people have.

A better example from ASOIAF might be Jon Snow's parentage. I doubt, many fans will be very surprised, when it's finally revealed. Of course Martin thankfully won't do a whole dance about how R+L totally doesn't equal J, no sir, it absolutely does not, I swear!

That's why she never is sober. Think about it!

Maybe. But then, what's interesting about that? And also: Why is she drinking in the first place, if it has hardly any effect on her?

It's one of the few things I don't like about this show. I don't need a PSA about alcoholism, but showing a heroine drink copious amounts of hard liquor without any negative effects on her abilities is still a bit problematic. I mean, I get the concept of high-functioning alcoholics, but even they can get wasted.

Those damn librul bunnies, with their war on Christmas!

"Jones, Cage, Daredevil and Iron Fist"
…and Hellcat, hopefully!

Is there anyone Rosario Dawson doesn't have amazing chemistry with? I swear, there were sparks flying between her and every person she had a conversation with (Malcolm, Luke, Jessica).

No, I'm not quite that stupid, to always blame the parents. And while I concede, that I'm not a parent myself, I had similar situations as you describe happen to me with my nieces. But here's the question: When these temper tantrums happen, how do you solve that problem, other than with (if necessary very loud) words?