
The law has no influence on the fact, that a child has a will of its own. Trust is the keyword here. Children naturally trust their parents (at least pre-puberty). Maybe your son doesn't understand, why he has to brush his teeth, but if he trusts you, you can make him understand, that you know best. The same must be

Jessica: May I introduce - Luke Cage.

Even a child is capable of consent. When you want your son to go through a painful medical procedure, you have to make him understand the necessity. You must convince him to endure the pain of his own accord. I didn't get the impression, that the parents really did a good job there.

It's interesting, how much abuse on this show happens out of misguided love: Robyn treated her brother like a child to protect him. Kevins parents treated him like a lab rat to cure him. Trishs mother and Simpson certainly to some degree think, they're doing her something good. And Jeri is not only shitty to the woman

It actually looked to me like Trish, hooked up on Red Pills, was a better (or at least more elegant) fighter than Jessica, due to her training. Maybe she could teach Jessica.

Next up: Jessica Jones Week! Sponsored by Duracell.

She's obviously not worse than Kilgrave. But she's another abuser, in a story full of abusers.

I'm not entirely sure about the execution of this particular plotline. But I kind of found it a fascinating statement, that these people, traumatised by having their will taken away by Kilgrave, where so easily manipulated into mob behaviour by Robins bullshit. It felt sadly truthful.

I totally agree. I also feel, that just from a storytelling standpoint, this episode's escalation was needed at this point. Kilgrave is a psychopathic killer, not unlike, say, Hannibal Lecter. That he's not the one doing the actual killing, doesn't change that. So there had to come a moment, where the show had to

R.I.P. Hope Schlottman. You broke my heart in every single scene you appeared in.
I never heard of the actress Erin Moriarty before, but I hope, I'll see her again in something else, soon. She was great.

Weird, I alway scream "FUCK EACH OTHER!"
There are some very attractive people on that show.

Interestingly, Daredevil also ran a little bit out steam in the home stretch. I wonder, if that's a Netflix demand, to frontload a season with exciting stuff to hook the viewers. But then, why not have shorter seasons?

It's also the closest the MCU will get to Hannibal's twisted relationship between hero and villain.

I really like how the Netflix shows deal with the bigger MCU stuff. They take something that doesn't seem to fit thematically or stylistically, like the colorful Avangers battles, and break it down to their real life consequences. It's sometimes a little bit awkward, but it ballances out the fictional universe.

Ohh, now I get the "Netflix and chill" thing!

Problem solved.

Uh, guys… just a reminder: This is only the review for episode 1. Although I have binged ahead, not everyone does that, and I already see spoilers flying left and right. So please be a little bit more considerate!

The only thing missing from this show is Kristen Bell playing the ditzy, rich daughter of Steve Guttenberg. Just for the sake of confusing Veronica Mars fans.

After only one episode and with hardly any screen time, Kilgrave is already the scariest villain in the entire MCU. Watching the last few scenes made me almost physically sick.

Now this made me really interested to see this movie.
There's something very fundamental about feminist or otherwise outspokenly liberal movies made in (semi-)repressive countries. For westerners they serve not just as an opportunity to point the finger at them and chide them for their backwards ways, but as a