
In the same vein, fuck the new Polish government, which didn't even waste one day before using the Paris attacks as a justification for refusing to take in any refugees, even though Poland had already agreed to take up (a rather low number of) 7000 refugees.

There's may be no passage in the books more worthy of a reread, than the actual Septon Meribald speech in A Feast for Crows.

That birth montage is the most singular TV moment of the year for me. So naturally, this Newswire reminded me of that. So… Yay, Sense8!

You didn't scan properly. I did make a Sense8 reference.

I hope we get a big montage of all the characters' births, set to classical music.

Great! Now I have to find a new name for that movie I'm writing, about a killer blizzard.

I actually remember that lightsaber duel to be kind of slow and clumsy, as if an old man was fighting against a guy in a boxy polystyrene suit.

That was exactly my thought during the Bingo scene in the Fargo premiere: Where's Saul?

And all of it would be interesting, albeit slightly crazy.

I think, it's less about the real life plausibility of remote controlled pacemakers and more about, what feels plausible to the viewer. It just sounds like something out of a James Bond movie. A Roger Moore Bond movie!

So you didn't position Lara in a corner with the sole purpose to get a look at her from the front?

KRS-One in general, fuck yeah!
BTW, I couldn't think of a better artist for the unnecessary interview tracks at the end of an anniversary reissue.

I kind of miss the good old days, when Lara Croft would only visit modern architecture tombs, where every surface was either a square, a rectangle or a triangle.

"We have large groups of people isolated in echo-chamber communities believing they have power on their side." Someone smarter than me should really come up with a good name for this phenomenon. Because I feel, it's really rampant right now. Sometimes it feels like half of my real life acquaintances have joined

You might be right. There's also quite a few willfully obtuse guys, who want to believe so much, that it's about game journalism, that they ignore all the harassment, even though they know the origins quite well. So I guess, it really bears repeating.

(Actually, I just wanted to hear "It's about ethics in game journalism". But I am very delighted by all your innocent optimism, that there's still people on the internet, who don't know about Gamergate. Thank you!)

I wish, someone would tell me, what this is all actually about.

It wasn't German, or if it was supposed to be, Miranda Otto's pronunciation was indecipherable. I think, the "Da" means, it's probably Russian.

Hey, that's not how this meme works!

Even "Bedazzled", Putin?