
This show will have to take place in the late 70s, right? I'm sensing a Funk/Disco version!

But there were hardly any car chases in "Die Hard", either.

I haven't seen it either, but the way I understand it, the mirror also shows Whedon firing Charisma Carpenter for beeing pregnant, clearly suggesting that fertile women are monstrous, too.

Right? Not even one car chase? The movie is named "Taxi", for god's sake!

He has basically become the Wesley Windam-Pryce of this show, i.e. the
awkward science guy who has gradually turned into the audience's favorite scruffy badass.

I don't know, the video linked in the article, where someone finds a yelling Shia on his balcony, was pretty funny (and well made),

But he can't even hit the high F.

Now I just don't know what to think of Jessica Jones. Does she hate alarm clocks (which I can relate to), or does she hate Minnie Riperton (which I would find kinda sad)?

I will forever reject the idea, that there are stairs on the Enterprise! On Starfleet ships, if you can't or don't want to use a turbolift, your only other option are ladders.

I can't wait for the season, that takes place in a tropical prison place. "What do you mean, unbearable heat? I love my long sleeves!"

Well, I also don't think, it's even part of the reason, why it sucked. If anything, the reverence for the originals is what saved the movie from being an even bigger disaster. I for one loved to see Marion Ravenwood again or the way the lighting and cinematography mimicked Raiders. It's the stuff that seems to be

I don't think, that's the reason why it sucked. Even "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" already amply referenced stuff from Raiders. So did "The Last Crusade". There are similar bits and gags in any Indiana Jones movie. These are series staples.

Sure, why not. I've never seen Russian Ark, so I don't know how well the gimmick worked in that movie. I just think, that Victoria got improved a lot by the immediacy of the one-shot, while in Birdman it just seemed like another layer of artsy wankery.

Calling the movie a "boy-meets-girl, boy-gets-girl-into-trouble story" strikes me as a very superficial reading of the movie, especially as it is the girl's story, that's being told here. I wonder if Dowd is just dismissing the film out of hand for its gimmick (a gimmick that worked much better here than in Birdman, I

To be fair, his work for Battlestar Galactica wasn't subtle, either. It just wasn't so run-off-the-mill ordinary.

My Grandma once called me, because her TV was supposedly broken. I asked what's wrong with it. "There are black bars covering the sides of the picture." She was just watching an old movie.

Of course "Wind of Change" isn't associated with the fall of the Berlin Wall. Everyone knows that David Hasselhoff brought down that wall, with a little help of a christmas lights jacket.

No, I mean "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley is from '87.

I expected to get rickrolled here. But apparently that song is from 1987.

I might come back to this series, now that it takes place in my Homeland. The trailer looks quite promising. Has the show become less ridiculous in the past two seasons?