
Your not wrong. The meaning of the word "child" has changed so much through history, as our sensibilities have changed. Which makes it a very in-precise term (and causes the common misunderstanding of what paedophilia means). I think, we both agree, that you don't immediately become a full-blown adult, once you hit

Is it, though? Raping a child (a crime, which Polanski is clearly guilty of) is not the same as paedophilia (a psychological condition, I'm not even sure Polanski suffers from).

It has a nice ring to it. And it's also much more accurate than "Roman Polanski, paedophile", that some people like to throw around.

…who is not the topic of this interview.

Let me look at the bright side here for a moment: Sookie from Gilmore Girls is the 3rd highest paid actress in Hollywood right now. Who would have thought?

Where in the video is Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego??

For a similar reason I always wanted Samuel L. Jackson to marry LL Cool J, so he'd become SamueL L. Cool J.

I'm just glad the origin story involves a bunch of white people, and none of those boring aboriginals who seem to have an actual cultural connection to Kong.

Yeah, she could at least from time to time wiggle her ears or, I don't know, have an annoying laugh, or something else that makes her stand out. Or what about a cool hand sign?

To be fair, with his stance on immigrants he would fit in basically anywhere in the world.

It's the same thing here in Germany. Daily, a constant stream of refugees is arriving in Europe, these days. And in many neighborhoods where the municipalities plan to house refugees, the so called concerned citizens protest, mayors get threatened, refugee homes get torched…

Maybe as a white guy I'm just not very sensitive to this issue, but I never understood the problem with the asian makeup in this particular film (apart from the fact, that it wasn't very convincing). It clearly wasn't done for white-washing purposes, nor as some kind of minstrel act full of asian stereotypes.

…which is absolutely great! It even has a David Hasselhoff song in it.

This interview begs a very serious question: Why do so many Americans think, that marzipan is gross?
Do you guys simply have no good marzipan over there, so you just never experienced what a creamy delight it is? But then what are Californians wasting all that water for, if not to make marzipan out of all those almonds?

I don't zink, I understand, vat ze meaning of zis is. Vy do you need unhumorous testicles to lofe Mr. Hasselhoff?

No, I really can't imagine that. But they surely did shoot Max Riemelt holding a prop and a car being blown up in the heart of Berlin, so that's still cool.

This is a show, that filmed the scenes of characters flying to Iceland on an actual plane flying to Iceland. I highly doubt the Wachowskis would agree to any "stands-in-for" shenanigans.

It can be two things!?

And do they know, that "88" is code for "Heil Hitler"?

How lucky for us, that it's not 2014, I guess, or we would've had to wait another year for this news.