
I was also wet, awaiting the renewal!
(EDIT: Aww, you edited it. Now I just sound like a non sequitur creep…)

They really waited for 8/8 to announce season 2? How stupidly, wonderfully gimmicky.

It's about Battlestar Galactica level, I would say. The middle seasons.

Now I really want an Inventory - "When I think about you, I touch myself: 20 anthems about stroking the monkey" - or something like that.

Hey, I'm fairly new here…

The nice thing about Shaun the Sheep is, that what
entertains the children is the very same thing that entertains the
grown-ups in the audience, unlike most of Dreamworks' animation features, where one part of the movie seems to be exclusively targeting the kids, and one part almost cynically targets only the adults.

Yes. Or that crazy Natascha Kampusch case. They really should have cast an Austrian actor for the role of the kidnapper.

Great. Now you made me look it up on YouTube. I didn't even know, that "Fuller House" will already be the second "Full House" revival.

If there's one actress I hope will get her big break, it's Brie Larson. She's been compelling in everything I've seen her in.

So Paloma Faith would probably also be too on the nose?

Did you just ask "What's it to you?" On a discussion forum? Then let me counter with "And what's it to you?" Wow, that was productive. Glad we finally reached an impasse!

I don't know this particular video, so this is a somewhat academic discussion. I totally understand, that for you and Tzero and probably thousands of other women, Green crossed that thin line you speak of. And maybe he did. What I don't understand is, why, if that line is so thin, does he need to be branded as a

That's not what I said, and that's not what John Green is doing. Not being able to speak first hand from a woman's perspective doesn't mean, that men shouldn't bother to relate. And relating from their point of view is not the same as drowning out women's voices on these subject matters, and it's also not the same as

They can have a crossover with Orphan Black!

Now I want to see Ellen Page play a lesbian Rock singer.

There never was a BIG UNEXPLAINED MYSTERY show, where the mystery was of such secondary importance, as it is in Sense8. It's really nothing like those countless Lost clones.

To easy. I favor "Sense16", then "Sense32", "Sense64" and "Sense128" for the final season. Show Game of Thrones, what a really big cast is.

I didn't get it either and just assumed, it's supposed to be a holocaust joke.

I also heard, Conan stole the whole concept for his show from some guy named Johnny Carson.

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