
It only proves, that it's pretty easy to be judgmental based on hearsay and backstage gossip.
I mean, it's not like Whedon put his particular brand of feminism all over his work, with all its flaws and strengths, so that we maybe could criticize that instead. Oh wait, he did…?

Upvoted for the laziness of the "and so on…"

Or, you know, radical thought, you could not suspect anybody of being a paedophile who's not clearly a paedophile, cause that's some ugly shit.

Then it's a matter of different perception of what John Green does, I guess. Fair enough.

So the 16-year-old girls, who think that Green expresses something true about how they feel, are wrong about how they feel, cause a 40-year-old guy could impossibly have any insights into how they feel?

There is an entire industry of artists and not-quite-artists out there, which targets teenagers (and their pocket money), from pop singers to YA authors to fashion labels to movie studios. Now, you could proclaim all that to be morally WRONG, but that's like saying, adults shouldn't deliberately make art and other

I actually like Agents of SHIELD, but that would be a total waste of the character and the concept. I want a female Pakistani muslim super hero to headline a real movie, dammit! Just because it would blow the minds of the Fox News demographic.

Shamier! *ding ding ding* Shamier! *ding ding ding* Shamier!

But they clearly missed an opportunity by not naming the band "Antarctigo Ves-Poochie".

They are the Nintendo of Hollywood studios.

Yay for Cogman! I'm glad, he's moving up.

Why are they standing in a German locker room?

At the current state of the Bundeswehr, Canada would be a far more realistic aggressor, believe me.

So, WWIII should simply be titled "World War", as is common with franchise reboots these days. Like Abrams' "Star Trek", or the new "Tomb Raider".

Yes. Was I convincing?

"Who are you?" - "Absolutely no one."

Season 3 is certainly the weakest, but it never felt, like I completely wasted my time. You might wanna give it a try, just so can take the piz piss out of a certain character.

What? Germans without kinks? Unrealistic!

What do you mean, "as if"? You can't fall in love with a fake person, can you?

Veronica will be heartbroken to learn what Wallace has been up to.